in the case of an xbox, it also helps save your disc drive from killing itself slowly over time (likely with a ps3 also, but im not familiar with br drives), as it isnt running the entire time your playing a game on a disc...
in the case of an xbox, it also helps save your disc drive from killing itself slowly over time (likely with a ps3 also, but im not familiar with br drives), as it isnt running the entire time your playing a game on a disc...
so youre to cool for having sex, or kids?
you took the words out of my mouth....
unless youre a public figure, then its protected...
360, XBLA.
yeah, i havent really used the idols too much, i imagine it would change things up a bit... it was more the overall style of the gameplay that didnt fit with me. desfunk kind of hit the nail on the head, maybe not zelda like, but also just some things to look for throughout the interesting to look at, yet…
i dont mind them, i more generally dislike whats actually written in them, most of it seems unnecessary.
bastion is alright, but its a bit repetitive. it kind of plays like a beat-em-up, i was hoping for some sort of exploration aspect to it, but its not really there...
ill be picking this up, its piqued my interest for quite a while. im a huge metroid fan, old and new, and the art style is dope.
no, dude. i watched all the dev diaries, i read interviews with splash damage, i followed it quite a bit before release. dont blame the media for the steaming turd that was brink... they were as excited for it as i was...i hyped it too.
you must not have read my comment. i followed the shit out of brink before release, i was drooling over it, its sounded great from every angle. the game itself? it blows ass... so completely broken. i have no idea how it even was released in that condition.
are you kidding? 100% of the problems stem from them parading around brink like it was the second coming, when in reality, it was nothing but a a big stinky deuce.
they have the internet in canada, eh?
no one forced you to read this post, click on it, or comment.
this isnt a tip, this is poor advice.
agree with you on all charges... i was sucked into the hype for this game, thought it was going to be great.
i was really hoping for someone cooler than this, im not a big freddy fan.
i was hoping someone would get that one.
its probably just the titties...
man, thats really gay.