
We’ve been brainwashed to think grinding, working long fucking hours is morally just instead of wondering how the fuck does a society get to a point in which someone can work three jobs and still not have enough of A basic living expense.

Exactly. Real rich people are basically like “It’s none of your damn business.”

Another Fail Up. He can stuff his meritocracy.

I mean, this is an ideal scenario and not one that plays out for everyone. This past week an old man having a psychotic break was shot to death by the cops in his apartment. The EMT decided they couldn’t handle it. He was an old man, threatening himself with a knife. Apparently they shot him in the back 7 times.

Even the Cleveland Browns pull a bigger crowd. 

Trumpgate part 2. Dumb ass boogaloo. 

It’s honestly exhausting how stupid people are in this country. Here’s my favorite, “The Civil War was about states rights!” Yes, moron, states rights to own slaves. I live in the South and my ggGrandfather was drafted and fought for the Confederacy, but I would never think to celebrate it or fly a freaking

The most interesting thing about this story isn’t the Kpop stans, it’s that the campaign might’ve violated federal law.

The only good tweet.

I had a similar conversation with a friend who is a southern history buff recently. We were talking about the Black Wall Street Massacre, and how he said he wasn’t sure, but he didn’t think there were any plaques or statues commemorating the black lives lost.

What, were they afraid Chauvin wouldn’t get the right white treatment from the officers of color?

that’s a good idea.  We need more nurses and less police at this point.

The few black folks whose plight everyone in the office has suddenly taken an interest in.

We know they know.

Tell me again how the confederate flag isn’t a racist symbol.

I can’t imagine what Wallace must feel like being the only black man in his sport and time traveling to the 1950s every time he steps foot on the race track.

Sadly, the edgelords have grown to adulthood and apparently enough survived to get themselves into positions of power.

Why is it guys think it’d cool to do this shit? And dick pics... Ask before you send that. And if you do, confirm she's legal. Damn. 

He’s always given me the creepiest vibe. Also, why the fuck is ‘pedophile comedian’ a plot point in not one, but two current TV shows? Are entertainers so desperate for creating conflict that they’re like, what could we add...hm, hm, what, what, what...got it! We add this guy to the show who is hilarious and also likes