How could you leave out the best part of the Gates/Perlman comments?
How could you leave out the best part of the Gates/Perlman comments?
Why it’s almost as if the whole thing is just a giant tool to control the population and preserve the position of those in power.
Rhea Perlman (of no relation) would be hilarious. She would probably have lots of salty things to taunt them with, and seems like she wouldn’t be above kicking them in the bits.
Here’s where I very unkindly point out that a great deal of his base may be dead by November if they keep up their disbelief in science and medicine and facts and shit.
“And, you know, I want to be clear, because Ted Cruz is a nightmare of a human being. I have plenty of problems with his politics, but truthfully, his personality is so awful that 99 percent of why I hate him is just his personality. If he agreed with me on every issue, I would hate him only 1 percent less.”
Ted Cruz: Hey, Ron Perlman, you think you can get away with criticizing Matt Gaetz?!? Jim Jordan can kick your ass!
Ted Cruz is pimping out Gym Jordan?!?! To Ron Perlman!??!!
As someone currently residing in Florida.....I’ll say it again:
Or to put it more sarcastically, here we see the exact moment when a “good, orderly member” of society becomes a bad apple who is completely unreflective of the larger institution which he represents, and to which other “good, orderly members” of society need never answer themselves for. For some reason, this is…
No, no, no y’all: I feel this man’s pain! When these MAGA fools went around my neighborhood nailing up their signs it was exhausting taking them all down. His stupid ass just can’t read a room.
CNN reports the man in the video was identified as Michael Henkel, a supervisor writ server for Philadelphia Family Court. Court spokesperson Martin O’Rourke
All Trump had to do was keep paying his nephew’s medical bills. But noooooo. Had to cut them off after Fred Sr. died. Now he’s going to reap the whirlwind. Love the timing on this one. Would have been better 4 years ago, but I’ll take it.
He's sick of all this focus on a few dead Blacks! Everybody turn their focus back to making sure this Boomer gets all of his Social Security, will ya?!
As Mahatma Gandhi never said,
Yup! I think the younger wingnuts are the scarier ones, they always seem to have that “maybe they’re about to bite your face” energy to them.
Jesus hung around with 12 dudes. Jut sayin’, statistically speaking . . .
Someone should explain to Franklin Graham that white male bigot is not a protected class. Wouldn’t be the end of the world if they were endangered, though.
Fuck it, why can’t shitheels like McConnell get it and croak?