
Yup. Spendy seats. To my right, a man was arrested for harassing and assaulting two women in front of him. In front, a fight between two underage, very drunk men. To my left, a shirtless man in overalls cursing at the refs for pausing the game because of lightning. “It’s just a little rain! It’s just a little rain,

Shocking. :/

I understand. You are always very kind and patient in your discussions, and this troll doesn’t deserve your replies. I think it’s tomato face. They are so predictable and boring it makes them easy to identify. I wish they’d get out more. 

He must have been asleep in church when they read from the passage that says, “you will be shown the same amount of mercy/grace that you show others.”

Blue Wave is a troll. Don’t waste your valuable time. 

Right. But the decimation to that child’s body was not caused by the AR-15, no sir. That same thing would have happened with a knife or a really sharp pencil. That’s why we should arm teachers and teach 14 year olds emergency room triage techniques. Because you never know when a pencil wielding whack job will come

See that’s just it. A special teams coach whipped his dick out to piss in a cup on national tv last season and every man I knew collectively shrugged. No big deal. When ya gotta go, ya gotta go.

Ugh. That’s terrible. I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Glad you got out. I don’t understand how people who are so helpless get into management positions. It seems like a disqualifier to me.

Why lie about it? She’s a college drop-out with no marketable skills who isn’t even intellectual (elite) enough to forge a major that Miami-Ohio college offers. Wouldn’t the truth resonate with her base even more than the lie?

Were you a personal assistant? Cuz, I am not, and if my boss called me for something like that I would tell her to look at the name on her furnace, google emergency repairs, and then go back to bed whilst muttering about being a goddamn adult...

This? This is their plan to mitigate the casualty rate at school shootings? Teaching children how to deal with with a sucking chest wound?

My phone is full of pics of my fluff lord. Her personality is too big to not be documented. Your kits are precious. 

Thank you! This is the best thread ever!

I am having an awful week and your pics of contented sleepy kitties and their human is making it much better.

We cannot continue to exist in our current form...

You can also buy t-shirts that have the Fighting Whities logo on them if you want to have variety in your ‘calling out racist double-standards wardrobe.’

Agreed. Do you think he did it to draw out Susan for some more hilarity? 

Oh god. Those poor women and children. I have issues with the death penalty, but I confess I’m glad Battaglia is dead.

Ahh. That’s nice. I see Kevin went to the Greg Schiano school for asshole coaches who are playfully referred to as “hard-asses” or “old-school” or “abusive” or “morally bereft, but winning adjacent.” 

When will we get to hear how Meyer is a good man, the father of daughters, a God-fearing man who would never knowingly allow a violent predator who beat and terrorized his wife on his staff....