
Shallow, vapid, whores. We are attracted to window dressing because we are too stupid to know what’s really good for us. We should really want some spineless, keyboard hero who can’t interact in any meaningful way with people in real life.

I’m going to have a stroke if these asinine, mean-spirited bullies continue to whimper how mean and unfair everyone is to them. Huckabee, Ingraham, Hannity, poor misunderstood Megyn Kelly. They all bitch about how unfairly they are portrayed.  

Hey thanks. We are friends now, but it was a frustrating experience being his GF.

Listen, sad lil troll, (Sqooshy.) I said, “Actual man.” Meaning an adult man who was clear about what he needs from me and what I can expect from him. Not a dude who thinks he maybe wants an SO, and even makes a vow to love them forever, but then backs out 6 months later. But, whatever.

I was a gamer widow and I did all of the things suggested. It made me frustrated and sad. We broke up because my emotional needs, like sex and occasionally leaving the house, were just too much for him. :/

She lived in a legit castle in Switzerland for years until she found out her wealthy producer husband was banging her best friend. You would think she wouldn’t side with a philandering jackass considering her history, but rich people are weird.

Can I tell you that I appreciate your perspective?

Thanks for the baseball lesson? ;)

‘I say, “Men have to perform emotoinal (sic)labor to enter relationships, women have much fewer responsibilities.”’

I am trying hard to understand what you are saying. Are you saying that it is emotionally laborious to ask a pretty girl to go get coffee with you? Is it laborious for you to ask this creature of light on a second date? A third? Certainly, no one likes to be rejected, but I don’t see how worrying about rejection is

When you fuck with nature, it will fuck with you right back.

Fox news educated. Ugh.

This is true.

I’ve observed that many Republicans/Conservatives know some famous names, just like they constantly refer back to the founding fathers, but they don’t know anything more about the actual people behind the names. Big Red there doesn’t know anything more about J. Edgar Hoover beyond his name and occupation.

I would support a crowdfund to send these folks into space, as you have offered. Only I’d like to blast them into the sun, as they provide nothing of value to the country they were fortunate enough to be part of. I mean, if you are so obviously ignorant and have no skills we need, we really don’t want you. :/

They don’t even know how specious their arguments are. Many white folk are desperately afraid of having the injustices they have perpetrated against POCs, visited upon them. The battle in South Africa to set past wrongs right and attempts to move forward, have validated these people’s fears. They are afraid they will

I would posit that they are likely to be both of those things AND too cowardly to admit that they believe there is an evil gay agenda.

That would require a brief moment of self-reflection. So, no. They don’t see how utterly and completely crazy they sound when they babble about Soros.

To follow her very stupid line of thought, what the fuck were Europeans doing in Africa, anyway? They don’t belong there!

I forgot that one!