karen how

I thought Oleg was playing that smartly - by copping to being angry about it, it made him appear to be absolutely honest. If he had said he had no feelings about it, they would have been suspicious.

There was also an emphasis on the VD; she was 16 - she would have contracted it from the soldiers.

Yes. And the fact that it is Alec Baldwin (famous celebrity actor) - instead of a "lowly" SNL player - gets the satire to affect Trump even more.

SUCH a better take on Kellyanne by far - deliberate lying, zero guilt. The earlier takes this year were ignoring how she clearly operates.
Her appearance on Sunday morning with "alternative facts" and constant gas-lighting of reporters was in line with last night's Conway sketch. (Ugh.)

This book review was chilling; worth a read, scarily relevant:

Well in the sense that we all will have our own views on a situation, yes - ("there is no reality, only perception" comes to mind).

Too true!

Oh I agree; and the Birtherism hasn't stopped either (Trump is putting air quotes around the word "president" this week when he's talking about Obama).

Kushner and Bannon were the ones behind the pre-debate "press conference" stunt.

They walk around tripping people that say "Merry Christmas" - didn't you hear?

There you go with the shadowy cabal, just stirring up trouble.

Agreed…until I remember the SCOTUS noms.

(Sadly) I disagree; the chanting now is that the election is rigged, the free press is against them, it is time to take up arms.

I'm so sorry

"Free Speech" isn't what they think it means either.

One of the side aspects of Projection is either prioritizing (or even replacing) feelings over facts.

Kristof's column wrote out the different scenarios to imagine; it's worth a read. When you pause and consider each one, it's dispiriting how the double standard is revealed.

They're also turning on the press at the rallies. Beyond alarming.

Trump is absolutely basking in the power of being able to control his followers; the rigged//biased talk - anything and everything to "prove" that he isn't going to "lose."

"Rich white men have just as much to fear from a Trump Presidency as everyone else…they have even more to lose"