Where's the article - would love to read it - thanks!
Where's the article - would love to read it - thanks!
Great interview - thank you!
I think it's clear that Oleg is incredibly concerned about Russia causing a global pandemic because they are so ill equipped to handle biological agents. He is putting mankind and his morality ahead of country here.
That was such a needle-scratch moment! I was shocked that Elizabeth suggested he go dig around in the garage, and immediately leapt to what he might uncover (gulp).
I'm so happy that they were given the two year deal that they were hoping for, rather than a one year renewal with a possible second year. As you noted, being able to "write backwards" gives them the ability to keep The Americans the tight, smart series that it is, and possibly even better what they've done, now that…
Lucky you - don't spoil yourself!
Who picks up the tapes from Mail Robot? (Please not Phillip!)
Thanks, that seems likely, especially given Tatiana's comment that the computer specialist worked out perfectly. She didn't just play her part as the stepmother perfectly, but it sounds like she got the code, and as a result, Tatiana got the promotion.
Yes, while I think it's likely that Martha never made it to Russia, I believe the Centre is underestimating the response Phillip would have if he discovered she was killed. We've seen how P & E have each had doubts about their work, and even Elizabeth this year has been ready to have them walk away at points (e.g.…
Now that the FBI is all watching to see who picks up the dead drop tapes from the Mail Robot - I'm terrified that it's Phillip that collects them. Please tell me I'm wrong! Is it Hans? (I don't want it to be Hans either).
Telling Henry to go to the garage for electronics…? Who knows what he'll find in there - and show Matthew - yikes!
I'm confused at how they got the code - they couldn't find it in his office last week - so how did they get it…?
Phillip stabbing that guy's hand with the bbq fork and then calmly walking away with a hotdog? Yeah, I wish Paige would have seen that.
He was terrific on The Good Wife.
When they told Henry about the mugging, including the exact location where it happened, I cringed - I'm expecting a scene where Henry tells Stan and Stan finds the dead mugger and…. :(
Agreed, that made zero sense. They both love each other after 1-2 days? Just, no.
Agreed, I think the writers will be flushing out the multiple, and sometimes contradictory, emotions Paige might be feeling.
Of course - it just read to me as though you were stating facts about what we would see next, instead of laying out a theory.
AGREED. For example, with show clips and videos, other shows such as Seth Meyer's will have the video right there on facebook - hit play and you see it. With the Late Show, you have to click a link to get to the CBS website, then usually watch an ad, *then* you get to the video itself. They're looking for…
I see a lot of Annie Wilkes on the Internets. Stephen King's Misery forecasted a certain type of fan and, yikes, do they love their forums.