Karen Hopper Usher

I have not always been a fan of Ellen Pompeo’s but I find this article refreshing. I like that she’s being blunt, open and honest about her experiences and I’m glad to see someone actually doing something, anything to move the conversation forward. I like her explaining some of the dynamics on the set and how she

You need to take a seat. The culture of “classy” is nothing more than a scam to silence women. Good for Ellen Pompeo for talking about income disparities.

I have been speaking openly about money in my social circles for a while now, because it’s a feminist issue in the way you describe. And people keep telling me it’s not polite. Sigh.  

There’s a pretty significant difference between bragging about how rich you are and being open about what you get paid, how you negotiated for it, etc.

I think you really misread all of that if you think she was insulting Faye Dunaway.

I feel like you’re missing the point. The comment came from respect. She named someone she feels should have all the power and money she can handle. She isn’t calling out Dunaway she’s calling out a patriarchal power structure that has left one of the greatest actors of her generation without any real financial or

fuck “class”. she’s trying to make real change in the industry. expecting women to be “classy” while they work hard at things is just another way of policing them.

I found a 1920s Girl Scout Handbook in a used book store. It was mesmerizing. One of the chapters was about being independent and making wise romantic choices. There was a passage about envisioning a future in which women “no longer throw themselves away on a penniless count.” I adore thinking about 12 year olds in

look, children

Hi! Long time reader, commenting for the first time. I guess I should first put up a disclaimer, that I despise Trump and everything that he stands for, and also that Melania is a fool.

Why does it matter to you what she went through in east europe? That isn’t your fault, and don’t go thinking “we have to help them because we are so privileged.” I’m of slavic origins too, and I assure you, there’s nothing to be sorry for. The people over there can have such greed and hunger beyond you can fathom.

I’m not saying this was Melania’s case, but you don’t know the stories behind what makes women become “mail-order brides.” You don’t know their history, their material conditions, their desperation level, you don’t know a bunch of things. You also don’t mention the reason behind why some western men choose these

I think the only reason I kind of like them is that they are so very Michigan. From their slightly trashy but attractive looks to their car salesmen like tactics in promoting their brand. I’d consider them more advertising A listers than Hollywood. That said I don’t really go looking for their work or help back them

Question: Has anyone besides me read this book as part of their curriculum in school? My English teacher insisted on reading it in class.

No one is forced to work there.

Crispin tweeted this earlier today: I want to write a book called “Heterosexuality is a Fucking Nightmare.”

I also have a problem with telling people that having a party and feeding their friends nice food in celebration of the fact that they’re in love means that they aren’t feminists. The way weddings are marketed and designed and celebrated contains a large dose of patriarchal bullshit, just like everything else in our

If you make the symbols more important than my choices, then you’re not actually a feminist.