kinker bell

We’re all living in the upside down now, so why not make it official and turn the flag upside down? Sing the national anthem backwards?

I would rather we just get rid of the bull, too, and stop trying to lionize the cult of economic growth in lieu of economic happiness.

Was gonna star this, but realized I’m back in the greys.

It’s the Welfare Queen thing all over again, really. If a system is not 100% perfect in using taxpayer money and there are non-virtuous individuals using government programs, the programs themselves are clearly not worth it and should be scrapped. I mean, who cares if a program is 99% successful; if that 1% is wasting

I may have once yelled at a cable customer service rep. To get my TCM back while refusing to pay more. Maybe if I call Comcast and yell at them we can have Robert Osborne back again?

That actually cheered me up a tiny bit. The idea that he could be mingling with Carey Grant and Rita Hayworth and Bob Hope and the more recently departed Joan Fontaine etc. My mom passed shortly before Paul Newman did, and I found it comforting to imagine her greeting and meeting him.

Aw, he seemed like a nice old white guy. RIP.

Same. TCM helped develop my love of classic films.

I’ve spent many Sunday afternoons with Mr Osborne. Hopefully he’s in heaven interviewing all the famous movie stars.

I love that one! So sweet. Also, The Man Who Came To Dinner.

Like many people here, I’ve gone through stretches where the ever present TCM, including the soothing voice of Robert Osborne, helped me get through tough time. Even when I’d read the description of the movie in the Guide and thought, “I’m not interested and since it’s on at 3am, it probably isn’t good, but it’s

His voice was amazing. Ben Mankiewicz, pedigree aside just doesn’t have his charisma. I always wanted to go on a TCM cruise and meet Robert Osborne.

One of the few people in Hollywood that I will truly miss. Such wonderful times at TCM over the years.

Oh, this is terrible! Mr. Osborne was and will always remain the voice of TCM. I love old movies, especially during depression and rough times, and I spent many hours welcoming him into my home. He was informative, classy and every bit a gentleman. Last year, due to finances (or lack thereof), I had to drop my cable

They don’t need a new announcer. Just replay his introductions to the movies when they play.

Whenever I watch an old film and don’t have Osborne’s intro and outro I feel like I am missing something. Watching movies on TV with him as a host made me very happy and I find his passing very upsetting.

He always made those classic movies seem fresh and accessible to me as a teenager. He always had a trivia tidbit and an enthusiasm that made you want to watch whatever he was talking about. What a great man, and I’m so sorry for his family.

RIP. FWIW I read “beloved mainstay” as “beloved ministry”. This dude was great at what he did, and loved what he did.

I presume that you would also program all the romances ever written into the ship’s computer too. If so, I want to be on the rocket with you.