kinker bell

He is like McCain.....all talk no action. He goes on the news to talk shit about Trump and then goes and votes for every single cabinet member 45 wants. Fuck his faux outrage.

Bravo! I’m saving these for the appropriate people.

Hey here’s a fun thing; consider what kind of world we’d be living in if 2009 had opened with the following headlines.

Just fill this out & you’ll get an idea:

Such an amazing film. I got to see it a week early and it’s been hard to keep all my thoughts to myself.

Fuck everyone who voted for Casey Affleck too

I’m sure Beatty is thrilled that they fucked up and made him appear even more senile.

You made a typo. ‘The guy ruining the White House.’

I’ve been mocking him on Twitter regularly. Watching our government right now is like watching a monkey try to fuck a doorknob.

Also, Fuck Ivanka and her phony concern. Go talk to your Father hand his cabal of bigots.. Piss off with your hashtag bullshit.

Fuck this guy.

Man, i hated rotary phones. You had to start all the way from the beginning if you made a mistake and didn’t dial the reich number.

Bill Maher refuses to let anyone from BLM on his show but invites MY because he supports ‘free speech’. Bill Maher has been racist and sexist forever but no one blinks an eye or really cares cause he’s a ‘liberal’ white man.

Breaking News: Racist Invites Racist Onto His Television Show.

Nominally liberal comedian Bill Maher finally followed through on his irresistible urge to discuss the beauty of

American Horror Story: The Trump half-year

Was she ever in it?

So it’s 2021 and the newly elected Democratic administration (work with me here, people) is ready to clean up the mess of the last four years. What are the chances that guys like Flynn find themselves indicted by the Dept of Justice for ethics violations and/or light treason?

“The confidential divorce proceedings of Mr. O’Reilly and Ms. McPhilmy have been the subject of numerous articles in the past,” the newer filing argues, “resulting in unwanted media attention and extreme emotional distress to Mr. O’Reilly and Ms. McPhilmy’s minor children.2

I admire this family for their honesty. A lot of families in similar situations who go through the charade of pretending the deceased was a nice person when their life ends and in some respects that can be painful and disrespectful to the victims.