kinker bell

I cried reading her texts and words. She seemed so totally tied to him and he treated her like a commodity, like a car or home that you have a contract with. So she couldn’t sue him for the damage she alleged he did to her? He is so fucking creepy I do hope that he’s ruined by the lawsuit, financially and

Omfg. It’s not on Jez yet but I just read Shaun Kings story at the NY Daily News a few minutes ago about Manafort allegedly having people killed. A series of texts between his daughters claim this alleged story. He’s no longer in P45 administration but they were previously connected. Writing this here before P45 or

Spot on.

Thanks for making me cry even harder.

My friend wrote this on FB.

I think trump ordered him to hawk Ivanka’s shitty clothing to putin and found out he wasn’t. This can’t have anything to do with Flynn lying.

So corporations that hire undocumented workers need to be held accountable, not a slap on the wrist. Even one of trump’s appointees was caught hiring undocumented workers. But the burden is on the worker? They’re the only part of this scenario that gets our wrath. We are becoming so bereft of integrity and compassion

Wait, what? Is this a metaphor for how fucking dark and evil they are?

That’s all that matters to them, keeping the poor and POC from voting.

Omfg did you hear what trump talked about? The size of his fucking dick again, oops, I mean the size of his electoral college win. He then scolded the PM by saying his was the worst call of the day. We are dealing with an imbecile. At this rate, we won’t have a single ally left by the end of February.

I don’t know how to link articles but if I did, there’s a frightening one in The Guardian about how this airport stuff was a trial run for a coup.

America exporting its hatred.

I’m really sorry and I’m ashamed of my country because I know people will die because of this ban.

I think Melania Trump and Jocelyn Wildenstein should fix your craving, if we could get them into a litter box to start fighting. . Melania is starting to look like the Cat Lady of Plastic Surgery. Also, you could blind fold her with dental floss if you wanted to, that’s how narrow her eyes are after all the surgery

I’m done with her too. Now she’s on another health care campaign. She just helped cost millions of people to lose their healthcare and she’s arrogant about it I haven’t heard one comment from about her Bernie Bro Fan Club that she hypnotized into not voting

He’s like the Pinto President, burning everything in his path while his cabinet outlaws fire extinguishers.

Thanks. I’m telling everyone I know.

I don’t doubt that they will create a phony list of registered and unregistered democrats , Muslims and Mexicans that voted 20,000 times each in 30 states. They’ll create the evidence. I put nothing ullegal or evil past them.

I’m all for just accepting it as a beautiful and very generous tip. One man was a dentist so I get that he probably notices smiles more often than some of us. I can’t stand trump but I’m not gonna drag these men because they might have voted for him. Seriously, they did something very nice.

and.....would love to hear it.