kinker bell

I’m 66. My daughter is 36. My granddaughter is 3. I’m fucking overwhelmed with emotion because I can tell my granddaughter she can be president. Unattainable up until now. I know I’m being premature but I think Hillary has this.

Sure wished this thing worked.

And Ryan sure has a lot to say but nothing on the Tangerine Turd, not one negative word even while Trump reamed his ass in public over and over again. He’s a disgrace to human beings.

I got banned from a reality comment site because I asked why women were victim blaming her. It was so disturbing I felt physically ill. Not the ban, I couldnt care less but the constant stating of facts that weren’t facts.

I got banned from one site for defending her.

I don’t know about this debate. How do we know it’s not infiltrated by all Trump supporters on the down low.

Something came across my FB thread about this being a farce and facts emerging that will prove it. Why oh why did I look at some of the comments? She’s being called every horrible name that is reserved only for women and then some. She asked the guy that was thrown in the room with her if they were going to kill

Your words and thoughts have helped me so much in the last couple of days because you helped me realize that there are good people that want good and even great things for those that have been left out of a culture that values people with money and fame and the artificial beauty we have shoved in our faces 24/7.

I’m crying, for you and for your wife. That we live in a world where humans have to walk around feeling like this. I’m just so sorry. This is such madness. I’m glad to know more about your story because it strengthens my resolve to speak out and remain proactive in the movements which seek for justice for all.

Your words and your justifiable rage made me cry. I am so angry that I don’t know what to do, I just cry a lot lately. We’re seeing this too often and the emotional hurricane that swirls around the families of black people killed by cops is heartbreaking when you listen to parents and children wail with grief over

And why can’t they shoot a person in the foot? Is it always just to kill?

White people are not murdered by cops because they’re white. Big difference buddy. See, that’s what this is about.

Why don’t you write an article about it or start a movement yourself if you’re so concerned?

It would have to be a rich white male that got raped.

Yeah, I’m seeing that. It’s frightening.

Good gawd have any of you read the comments on SFGate for this story? People are calling her a whore, slut, crack head and saying she exploited the police and she should serve life in prison. And that was the majority of the comments. And those were the nicer comments

That makes complete sense. He's quite the asshole.

Wait, how did he get away with not paying her more? I thought he would need to pay her half his income during the marriage. Perhaps she wanted out so badly she settled for that sum.

That’s hysterically true. I’m 66 so Dylan was one of the biggest things in my youth but I kept listening to new music. But then, my taste runs from opera all the way to serious rap, like Public Enemy and everything in between. It blows my mind that the majority of my peers get so very excited to see Paul McCartney or

He led them to the body, well the remains.