kinker bell

Wow. I hadn’t thought about the added expense for those coming out of state. There wasn’t a charge when I was going. In fact, we hauled a complete kitchen out there and sold tacos and drinks for a buck a piece. There was a drive by shooting range and it was safe. I know I was in a video that was on, maybe MTV? So long

Your last sentence is spot on. If you ever want some good laughs there is an essay called BurningMan is Dead which can be found on line. I don’t know how to link it here or I would. It’s very funny, very snarky take on BM however, it’s all actually true.

BM is now the kind of place that draws people like Paris. I haven’t been since 1994. I was, at that time, friends with the guys that started it. In fact, my boyfriend had to pay the founder, Larry Harvey’s rent on occasion. I learned last year that BM is paying him $250,000 a year now. When there were only 800 of us,

Testing to see if they can hack our votes.

I don't know Troy. Does Eastwood?

His boyfriend in this photo is Doug McClure.

Stein and Ben Carson can start a party called Physicians That Don't Understand the Science that Underpins Their Profession.

I'm really sorry to hear that. It's weird, it can manifest in all kinds of ways, no two cases are that similar. I grew up in a very abusive home, my mom stabbed me when I as 13, sexual abuse all that stuff. Lucky for me that help was available but not until I was an adult. I never hit my child though. I hope you're

I've seen it happen.

And me too. Have a nice evening.

Did you miss the part of domestic violence syndrome? Do you know what that is? Or Stockholm Syndrome? There’s a lot of stuff at play here and having worked with both female and male victims of domestic violence I can assure you that people will align with abusers. And people in power can shut it down and make it look

Sounds like average divorce/custody back and forth mud slinging, other than physical abuse. That is not okay and I wish there was a way to confirm that he abused her. If he did and I’m pretty sure I believe it, he’s a total ass. And a criminal. And yes, people with power, even perceived power, can manipulate the

But none of those are illegal. Shady yes, but not illegal. I get the feeling that what happened last night with the Bernie or Bust people was like a white fraternity being told it couldn’t haze anymore. They disrespected the people that actually were marginalized and had to fight for rights. That showed me a lot and

You’re absolutely right. That they would protest the civil rights pioneer when he talked has completely turned me against them. They didn’t have to fight for anything, everything’s been handed to them. If they are the future I’m glad that I’m a senior citizen. I voted for Bernie in the primaries and gave money but

Without going into detail l will say that I knew two Manson family members. It was in a legal context and they frightened the shit out of me. So much that it took me over 30 years before I would even admit to having known them. I don’t think, from what I learned in discovery, that any of these people should ever be

It sounds like you are. Why the comparison then?

Holy shit, I took a look at his website and I think he’s a sociopath. He sometimes posts from what he believes her perspective is. There are some people that call him on his bullshit but he also has many supporters. He has pictures of inside her home and has cached some from FB. A lot of MRA types calling for her

Had a friend that worked in show biz and got invited to Neverland. She would not believe any of this stuff about MJ. She would say things like ‘but if you only saw what he did with Neverland, it was all about the kids, he did everything for them’ yeah, that's called priming them. She wouldn't even think about it.


I like your thinking.