kinker bell

He's the Charlie Manson of rapists.

I see it. Thank you. Doubt I'll ever have to use it but a few weeks ago some one posted that they were going to stalk another poster and I was concerned. Again, thank you.

How does one flag? Not that I have anything in mind, mostly just a reader here but I'm curious. Thanks.

You must know a relative of mine. He joined the Marines after 9/11 because he wanted to ‘get him some A-Rabs’ . Jesus loving, racist, low IQ, cave man type mentality. He's now a CO. I still sent him and the other troops care packages because the thoughts of this young man in Iraq was more than I could handle. He's

So then, if one of their kids had a racial slur used against them, they smile in their mug shot? These women are using their race card. To get sympathy from other white people that always use their race card.

Would the sister believe her? I was a toddler when my mother’s father started molesting me. This was in the early 50s. As an adult many people asked why I didn’t tell anyone at the time. I’m not sure that I didn’t. I do know that when I talked about it as an adult, my mother refused to believe it, that is until she

That's what I was thinking. How do we know he hasn't already raped his daughter? I think it should be discussed. The daughter, if a rape victim, may fear exposing him if she believes that she is his sole victim and that no one would believe her. There's sometimes strength in numbers but what a group to be in.

Oh my god I’m so sorry. My niece was murdered last year but at least the monster was apprehended. I couldn’t imagine what you and your family are going through. Again, I'm so, so very sorry.

But the zoo did not. It should be impossible for any Houdini to get into an animal enclosure. In SF, when Tatiana the tiger escaped her area and killed a man that had allegedly been taunting her, it was determined that the enclosure was not the right height to keep her from escaping. I just think it’s horrible that

Or, the zoo could have structured the area so that children couldn't access it.

Now only if that damn Revolutionary War had been more civil.

The ‘I was raped’ card? Jesus Christ. Fuck off.

Why don’t you let those of us that have been raped decide if this is rapey? No, it doesn’t dilute the word. You must be on the ‘real rape’ team.

Eileen has nothing going on for her. No story, nothing interesting or curious about her. She’s pissed that her fake fairy tale marriage was outed on TV.

I’ll bet once there’s a lot of money in treating Lyme Disease you'll believe in it.

On Boardwalk Empire, I think the second season. Full frontal psychopath. It was something to behold. Naturally I bought that series the next day.

I know this sounds sick, but I think she either got off on it, or she was glad that she didn't have to have sex with him. What excuse could she have? There isn't any way she didn't know.

Fucking Touché.

You know what the worst part about David Spade is? Being David Spade.

Two words. Breast reduction. That looks like it hurts like hell.