
I am rooting for Heather Locklear. I know my fellow olds on here remember her being such a badass on Melrose Place. That was appointment TV.

The right is intolerant of anything that conflicts with its lies and falsehoods.

Intent matters if it was an accident— if the grabber never intended to grab in the first place. But he clearly meant to grab Fraser, so the reason why is a bullshit excuse.

Dude nods along and agrees with the last person he spoke to. He has the attention span of a gnat and zero interest in anything or anyone who is not himself.

without resorting to gendered slurs

Yeah, her Tweet sounds so shallow. Like just keep your mouth shut. It’s not like Roseanne’s BS came out of nowhere. You knew and you signed up.

She doesn’t need the money, as her wife is worth tens of millions of dollars. I think maybe this is a case of her wanting to return to this awesome experience from her youth but you can’t go home again if your home turned into a racist garbage fire.

I am still going with my conviction that it is always, ALWAYS, about the money. That’s why I scoff when conservatives talk about the “liberal” media. That is a fallacy - the media is not liberal, it’s corporatist, and all the networks care about, at the end of the day, is their bottom line. They brought Roseanne back

Who’d have thought that its audience would just tune in to the premier and not come back?

If John Goodman joins Twitter just to post a “Bye Bitch” message, I will give him one more chance.

He is seeking treatment for his illness, which indicates that he’s aware of how his health issues cause a pattern of toxic behavior. As someone with an illness similar to BPD who had to seek BPD treatment due to the lack of real treatment options for what I have (C-PDST), I can say that learning to engage with people

It’s clearly a different kind of fabric. Someone just wants to start some shit.

#correction— Davidson has Borderline Personality Disorder, that’s what the “bpd” stands for.

Just because someone has a mental illness does not mean they can’t be happy

True. Also not too smart of them because it’s hard for someone you’re helping out to not want to help you out in return and since Haddish is a bit of an oversharer, several minutes of walking with her to her car and putting her things away would certainly lead to some spilled tea.

Yes, Shallow Hal! I immediately thought of that.

Sounds like “Rookie of the Year” meets “Shallow Hal”. But, y’know, for chicks.

THIS. I felt the question was rather navel-gazing, and yet, Hillary gave a response that not only made me think, but showed that she herself was weighing and considering all angles while talking. She would’ve been a damn good president.

while I agree with the sentiment behind this and think we — especially media outlets — shouldn’t be leading with these descriptors in 2018... what a weird thing for one person to tell another person, in the public eye or not.

Just came here to say she was Clarissa’s cool friend and she was also on Shining Time Station. Oh, and she played Jessie in the awful Baby Sitter’s Club show on HBO that was so bad but that first grade me really, really loved.