
So, I still come here because it’s helped me develop confidence and a voice in my feminism and to kill the “cool girl” I occasionally wanted to be. But a lot has changed in the last year or two.

Hey if we are quick we might be able to get you in on a group chat with Cardi and Kylie so you can dazzle them with this hot take.

can u not

You know, if you had told me 20 years ago that I would agree more with Tom Arnold than Roseanne. I probably would have been somewhat incredulous.

ugh, you just described my mother.

Um, okay, but I kinda wish you’d tried examining the double standard I addressed instead nitpicking at ultimately irrelevant particulars.

Speaking of vile dookies, I had half a bottle of whiskey, and some late night Taco Bell last night.

Yes, but we GenXers didn’t have to deal with obnoxious social media and the internet. THANK GOD.

I was shocked to see so many people take this seriously...I thought it was funny as hell.

A+ Kinja right here, lol at people thinking this is serious.

A+, especially for all the people you got to take this seriously.

lol wut

Personal opinion: Newborns look strange and scrawny, like they’re made of sewn-together chicken wings. To me, they really get much cuter as they chunk up. Feet/toes included.

Pregnancy rumor magazines should be replaced with a babushka that says “she is vith child” under pictures of celebs

The darkly hilarious bit to me is that the Reagan coalition’s major motivation (besides racism) was hatred of Russia and fear that we weren’t doing enough to oppose them. 36 years later, the last President of the Reagan coalition was literally installed by Russian interference.

A lot of these people will only dig in deeper as more of this comes out because despite the sophistication of what the Russians did, the average person does not and cannot admit to being wrong or fooled.

That’s exactly what Trump is saying they were supposed to do. And it fits perfectly with the Republican vision for this country. We’ll make sure everyone has guns, and just become more of a police state. Win/Win!!!

She was also raised by her grandparents, she has not a clue. This is the type of thing you do NOT air out in public to give it life. Ignore it and if you can’t, make a phone call.

I get Rain’s point, but she took a different tack than I would have expected. Truth is- I doubt she knows everyone her father slept with, nor should she. So I don’t know why she would bother claiming it didn’t happen. The point is, it wasn’t Q’s story to tell. I mean, if he wants to say he was in an orgy & so-and-so

...only if you think her father’s legacy is tarnished because he might have slept with a man.