
I am/was a rabid fan of the show, and I do not want a SATC 3, because SATC 1 and 2 were absolutely ridiculous garbage movies.

Don’t you feel this is more of a gender issue, and less an evidentiary issue? How many rape kits have been found unprocessed? How many rapists have gotten lighter sentences than those caught with recreational marijuana? It boils down to this, in my opinion; there are sick bastards out there who think women secretly

One thing I’ve noticed that’s missing from a lot of women’s analyses recently (especially women who are older) is that they’re operating from a basic assumption of “it’s just the way society is/it’s just the way men are.”

Men get so uncomfortable when women don’t laugh or smile back at their stupid comments, like it’s our fault for not “getting it.”

Considering this is a group of people who had to have the meaning of unanimous explained to them at least twice in relation to a pretty commonly known foundation of jury trials, I’m not as surprised as I would be.

Something this story doesn’t mention: When Tellis was arrested for this crime, he was incarcerated in Louisiana awaiting trial for the torture and brutal murder of another young woman. He bragged to friends that he tortured that victim to death to make her give him her ATM pin, and he used her card to withdraw

Mansplaining: now for men as well!

Please let John Kelly see this.

Depends which child you’re speaking about....

Rev. Rob Lee is an excellent example of what a good Christian should be.

Did you just #NotAll tornado?

You know how many people are incapable of empathy or action until it affects them? There’s a reason “first they came for...” is quoted so often.

Oh, so you thought she was actually telling you to buy a sheetcake from a bakery and scream into it?

Context matters.

“What’s most obnoxious about this clip is how Fey is encouraging people to actively ignore neo-Nazis, by characterizing the protests as “violent” and urging those who might otherwise be encouraged to physically show up to stay at home.”

Uhh.....it’s Saturday Night Live, not Charlie Rose. Does it need a blinking light or something?

oh come on. I think the sketch reflected what a lot of (privileged white) people are thinking this week. the fuck am I, a person who lives in a blue city that is 50% black, going to do about these lunatics in the south except share preachy memes and fight with my aunt on FB? It’s awful and we know it’s awful but there


It’s your problem that you’re looking to a comedian for something way more substantial than a comedic bit. That’s all this was. Stop looking to celebrities for guidance. People are perfectly capable of knowing how to feel about Nazis without help from Tina Fey.

So am I a horrible person if I laughed at “Who drove the car into the crowd? Hillary’s emails?” Because I did laugh. Because that was funny.