Because after Richard Spencer was punched. He stopped being a Nazi and never participated in any organized nazi events ever again. Plus hundreds of people left the movement, because they were scared of getting punched.
Because after Richard Spencer was punched. He stopped being a Nazi and never participated in any organized nazi events ever again. Plus hundreds of people left the movement, because they were scared of getting punched.
This is all true, but violence alone is counterproductive. The Nazis want to be punched, honestly. They want this to turn into a civil war so they can keep recruiting. Let’s punch them where it hurts instead.
I agree that it is morally okay to punch a Nazi. To me that is obvious. The question is does it help actually fight white supremacy? I think that’s the real question.
Semi-related, but despite what they show you in the movies, sex on the beach is fucking terrible. Sand does not play well with delicate parts.
Treating people unequally is not the path to equality.
Ah, the Matt McGorry of cafes.
It’s not just “excessive fabulousness,” though. It’s mental illness. Going shopping at 3am is classic bipolar behavior.
Uh... Also you can’t reliably test for herpes and most standard STD screens do not include this particular test.
Listen: I am the biggest sex ed advocate I know (I literally founded a pro-choice group in one of the reddest, Bible-thumpingist parts of the country), but I don’t think it really requires advanced sex ed to realize green shit shouldn’t be oozing out of the tip of a dick.
“greenish discharge” ≠ herpes y’all
Honestly, this is exactly what I fist thought about, too! As a white woman, I was like, ‘yeah but even if this wasn’t a bullshit response in the first place, what was the last thing white women did collectively...get Trump elected? Yeah, we don’t deserve any sort of shout out.’
My Great Aunt lived to 105 - retaining a really solid chunk of her mental and physical faculties - only to see her husband, son-in-law, and my Mom (who she considered a daughter-in-law) die inside 18 months of each other about two years before she herself died.
When my Mom died, she said, “Iniquity, I think someone…
I do not want to live to 102. Not even in Paris with a shitload of money and glamourous affairs to look back on. Nope. I’m thinking a nice functional 73 is a good age to take a dirt nap. Nerp on that 102 shit, might as well be a ghost.
just wanna say: Dodai! Looking sharp in your Editor-in-Chief pic. <3
Why rock the boat? Old white dudes have been doing a bang up job of this whole ruling thing for millennia. Is this how we want to repay them?
Put this kid’s house in west Compton AND THEN you have a hit tv show!
This has to be satire. I read it again and it’s so naive and tone deaf. It can’t (I hope) be real.
Go fuck yourself. Hard.
We’re all so proud of your ability to overcome. Your struggle is truly inspiring.