I know a lot of places that do that. It is good business practice, kind of like comping the local mob boss’s meal.
I know a lot of places that do that. It is good business practice, kind of like comping the local mob boss’s meal.
Will it finally make Kanye and his idiot rubber doll wife will go away???
To be fair, they pack a lot of commercials into those three hours.
The worst case would be *actual* murder if the victim dies.
I agree, but in this case, he has only made the situation worse for himself. I’m glad he defended his daughter and maybe brought as much justice to the situation as possible, but he may go to jail for years now. I don’t know if it’s worth it.
Part of me thinks that this is either not true and he’s peacocking about what a piece of shit he is, or that he’s not going to an actual gynecologist but instead some quack even how illegal this seems from a layperson’s perspective.
Let’s face the facts; deportation in most cases is bullshit, and it’s especially bullshit when the person has a green card already. The punishment for fraud shouldn’t be banishment. Who gives a shit that this guy wasn’t yet a citizen either? He’s an American, regardless of whether or not there’s a piece of paper…
As a followup, I don’t think there’s anything I’d rather see than an actual unmoderated debate between Bernie and Warren. A friendly discussion of their policies and where they differ on which issues, between two adults who have respect for each other and understand the nuances of the issues.
Yeah, I think a better phrase would be “the city is now doing the least they can do in a scenario in which is a citizen is assaulted by a police officer”.
Please take this comment back to 1997 where it belongs.
[Rudy’s] splurges—$7,131 on fountain pens and another $12,012 on cigars.
Sharon Osborne’s New Face is my drag name
I believe it’s called acid and you buy it in little squares of paper.
Renee has always had squinty eyes and then popped up one day with rounder ones though. I don't think that was just stopping botox. I didn't actually think she looked bad, actually, just waaay different.
When I did my teeth (long awful story; not a single cavity until I was 40, then kerblooey, I’m all implants, bridges and crowns). There’s a temptation, starting from basically scratch, to want the most flawless, white shining chompers possible but fortunately I had a great dentist who advised me to tone it down. In…
Large cities have different precincts and then a central HQ. It’s not terribly difficult. Each precinct responds to a certain section of the city.
The community service is an insult, too. As if she has anything to atone for.
Because her floor is covered in crushed white rhino horns, duh.
I love Beau. He’s the physical manifestation of every woman’s well-deserved reward after dating in her twenties. May we all find a Beau.