I’m just going to wait here until someone finds a quote of Giuliani disparaging Lewinsky during that same period. 5...4...3...
I’m just going to wait here until someone finds a quote of Giuliani disparaging Lewinsky during that same period. 5...4...3...
EMILY: Justin, this lasagna is perfect.
Uh, so who is the lady making Elisabeth Hassleback look smart?
Oh my god, I just realized this man thinks when he says stuff it just happens. It finally hit me. I’m very scared.
Ah yes, the “you’re overreacting” line. A favorite among abusive assholes. Way to maintain the image you disgusting excuse for a human being.
Totally agree. I’m sure there are members of that police force that look at this like a win/win - getting rid of a black man and a woman. She definitely needs to be in jail, but I doubt she’s the lone bad apple.
Thank you. It warms the coldest parts of my heart that so many got the reference.
Oh so that’s what happened when they left the attic.
Well I think we all know who is really at fault in all of this. #notallbeckys
Don’t believe what you read, hb2 goes way beyond bathrooms. From NC Justice, 18 questions on what HB2 really does:
The original comment was he was 13 not 5, he should have known better. I simply responded that they’re both children and then you commented. My point was a child is a child. If you’d like to continue to disagree with that be my guest.
This I absolutely agree with. There is definitely a societal perception that black children aren’t children beyond he diaper stage. It can be seen in a lot of the comments here. These would be the same people who were calling Locate “immature.”
To imply otherwise is an unfair characterization of his track record and his support of professional women.
“Brandishing”? Wow, you all have some good imaginations.
Sorry, where is the reference to him “pointing” the gun at the police? I didn’t see it above. Can you link the article?
Well let’s hope you’re not a parent!
So at what point for you is a child “out on the street” to be treated as an adult? 10? 11?
Sorry, I should clarify. I’m not saying we should never blame a child for things and yes 13 year olds can be wrong, but they are still children. Yes their mind is more developed than a 5 year old, but they still are not mature enough for us to say, we’ll he was 13 and should have known better as if we’re rounding up…