
Follow the chain. Didn’t say anything about the actual event. I was originally responding to someone who said a 13 year old isn’t a 5 year old and should know better. I simply stated a 5 and 13 year old are both children. If you disagree with that, feel free to respond.

Actually, legally they do.

What game is that?

I’m guessing you’re picturing this thug turning around and pulling out his gun to go out in a blaze of glory. Am I close?

Maybe. But also a 13 year old probably has more knowledge of current events than a 5 year and therefore might be more scared at police coming towards them than a 5 year old would have. Who knows.

So now we are ranking child victim on their age? Oh he was only going to be a child for 5 more years so....

Whether he is 5 or 13 doesn’t matter. He was still a child.

I don’t care what Powell says, the thing that upsets me the most out of all of this was that he was still using AOL in the 21st century.

Answer: A derogatory term for someone with leprosy.

downright jarring

I mean, well done, you. That name had me in tears!

Here is more info on what HB2 does from the NC Justice Center for those that aren’t familiar. It goes way beyond just address what they perceive to be an issue with boys entering girls bathrooms:

Bootstraps, am I right?!

Mine weren’t as bad with the jesus stuff, but when I asked my mom what fingering was when I was 9, the mortified look on her face told me not to ask anymore sex stuff. Instead of I turned to Our Bodies Ourselves. So great!!

Dear Congressional Republicans,

The whole thing is absurd.

I completely agree. I don’t get it either. I think it has something to do with Kaepernick being “uppity” and he needs to just “shut up and entertain me”, but who knows.

I don’t think those people are mutually exclusive.

Couldn’t agree more. The American flag and national anthem stands for all those people who died at Normandy or Tripoli so that Ben Roethlisberger could play football.