
Just goes to show the only person Daniel Holtzclaw cares about is Daniel Holtzclaw.

That’s actually a funny question. I’m an old so I spent a lot of years being paranoid about getting caught and losing my job. From that experience, I must have smoking PTSD because every once in a while I start to freak out that someone can see me through a window and then I remember it doesn’t matter!


If you’re going to misbehave like that, they’re going to get you...He misbehaved badly.

It is not!

I would pay some serious money to watch one of those kids Krav Maga kick Elizabeth Hasselback in the face. Consider it a going away gift!

Honestly, I would only be the smallest, tiniest bit sad if one of his fellow crazy right wing morons mistakes him for a A-rab and shoots his ass.

Or just Yeezus.

It almost seems too simple though. I can imagine them naming the child something where the acronym would spell out Kanye.

Kanye Jr. works. It’s got the K and it fits Kanye’s ego. They could even call him KJ, which I actually like.

Hey, I didn’t say she wasn’t provoked.

Pretty much anyone from the original VH1 Divas, I could picture assaulting a teenager.

Don’t worry, I do too. But I like to remember him as his character on Weeds.

So for the bargain basement price of roughly $800M, which is about what Congress costs us each year, we get this. Money well spent!

They better not kill Kenny!!

Believe me, you still wouldn’t.

Well, I certainly hope the song in their wedding video isn’t correct.

Now playing

Don’t forget to donate for her birthday!

I’m not sure I can handle this.