Uh, pretty sure people have been making fun of overweight people for years and it hasn’t united us yet. Any thoughts on how long that takes?
Uh, pretty sure people have been making fun of overweight people for years and it hasn’t united us yet. Any thoughts on how long that takes?
I’m also confused how someone can claim ownership of a piece of art that they illegally drew on the side of a building they don’t own.
This gives the phrase “milk drunk” a whole new meaning.
Oh that’s an easy one. High School students.
I agree. However, I should have also added that she is about one glass of koolaid away from Kim Davis’ church so she’s that arrogant about pretty much everything she does.
Exactly. My father was mentally, physically, and emotionally abusive to myself, my sisters, and my mother when I was a child. My oldest sister has since forgiven him. and acts as if she deserves a nobel peace prize for this. I refuse to forgive someone who 1) has never even asked for forgiveness, and 2) pretty much…
Parents like this make me laugh. She’s so worried about her fifteen year old reading a book that she probably doesn’t notice him drinking, doing drugs, sneaking out, and having sex. Hilarious.
I’m sorry but is that a NWA tshirt?
Of course, transphobia is a thing. No one is denying that. But this woman isn’t transgender. She isn’t living her life as a man. She is living her life as a woman who tricks people online into believing she is a man and then has sex with them while they still believes she is a man. Totally different.
Yea, no. Everyone is supposed to be pulling their own weight. What if I, as a flight attendant, decided that serving meat on Fridays is against my religion during Lent. That would mean that my colleagues now need to do their own task and the one that would have been assigned to me. Every flight attendant position on…
Russell Wilson....has the sex life of a 60 year old man
Can we start raising money to send Ms. Davis to the middle east? If she wants to live in a theocracy so bad, let’s help her get there.
Right! For all us ad blockers, we actually watched it versus it getting blocked under normal circumstances.
Definitely too soon. This comment is totally going to blow up in your face.
Isn’t this the couple that said they essentially didn’t mind (I know, bless them!) having a mixed race child, but they live in a racist area and they would be forced to move so their child won’t be subject to the racism. While I agree they need to leave the area that should have been decision regardless of the race of…
Can’t decide is they purposefully had a dude play LuMann or not.
Ugh, so this is on purpose?! Boooooooo!!