Yup, I can’t decide if she wants to hug me or waterboard me. Wait, definitely hug me...nope, definitely, waterboard me.
Yup, I can’t decide if she wants to hug me or waterboard me. Wait, definitely hug me...nope, definitely, waterboard me.
To be fair though, these kids live in a remote village in Alaska. This is probably the highlight of their childhood by a HUGE margin.
Oh definitely. I can understand why it is in place, but no one likes to give back presents.
I felt that [the journalist] was inauthentic...
Right?! If images in magazines aren’t supposed to make me feel inferior then why is every accompanying article about how to keep my man and improve every aspect of my life from my the skin between my toes to the small talk I make at parties. People who feel 100% fantastic about themselves aren’t buying those articles.
If you are financially able, when you see them in a restaurant on duty pick up their lunch check, send over a dessert, or simply stop by their table briefly and say thank you for their service.
I love how they act like their perceived “hatred” towards law enforcement came out of thin air.
Omg, I forgot the US denied Nigella Lawson entrance. That was so weird.
I love that, of course, the only reasonable answer then would be the imaginary guy in the sky did it, obviously.
That’s actually not correct. I lived in Tanzania for a few years, and I learned swahili. The swahili for “black power” is actually “Obama.”
What’s the point of asking for the ring back? Is he going to return it for the money*? Will he give it to the next lady? I don’t get it.
Gosh, I hope they don’t have trouble getting a marriage license.
Did you see her rally speech? She’s about a year away from forming her own cult and she’s already started amassing her own followers.
Because it isn’t really about gay marriage. Did you see her acceptance speech or the other clerk’s interview when he said he would die for the cause? They’re narcissists that like the attention, and their religion allows them to have their egos stroked. She and her family have also held that office for many years, and…
“They always got 15-minute, one-on-one sessions with their mom every week. That was the time to share their feelings, but other than that they had to keep their feelings to themselves.”
I think that is a result of people judging her since she was a child. If she still cared what people thought of her she would probably go crazy.
Is it weird to ask a 22 year old adult what her father thinks of her behavior or not because he was once famous too?
The funniest part about KD’s comment to me is that she is totally the type of person that would have rocked thermal under a tshirt.