
Do you have extra metamucil or shall I bring my own?

How much you want to bet this asshole never worked in the service industry. It should be mandatory during school.

and I didn’t escort him out

I’d love to hear this kid’s view on Bert and Ernie.

To be fair, neither Snooki nor Jionni ever tried to hold themselves up as a paragon of morality.

Lucky for them, what are probably the worst years of their marriage are immortalized on tv to be watched and rewatched by generations of Beadors to come.

If the confederate flag is all about heritage, why didn’t anyone really seem to care much about heritage until the civil rights movement?

Yup, growing up in a household with a lot of fighting turned my best friend into an anxious adult. Kids are perceptive and no matter how well the parents think they’re hiding it, they aren’t.

God I wish songs like this were still written today. How good is this....

Not to mention that kids aren’t stupid. Every couple I know that “stayed together to parent the kids” ended up with fucked up kids that wished their parents would have been divorced years ago.

It might take a day or two but it should pop up here.

Well, now that we’ve heard from the overweight white male representatives, let’s see what the audience thinks...

His last tweet regarding Chuck Johnson was all I need to know about Ben.

Now playing

Peripherally related but always hilarious.

There are no words for what I just read. No words.

Now playing

Man do I miss the days when artists used to settle things on the street and not on twitter.

He also, rather offputtingly, revealed that he doesn’t necessarily trust that a female reporter will ask him worthwhile questions.

I think the same thing every time I smell burning trash.

I realize that but to me it would still be a better option than the strip search.