
The BIGGEST liar I know is my crazy fundie sister. Not sure how she rationalizes all the lying, but I’m sure she does.

Sadly, there were a lot of empty seats at the stadium. Many fans were unable to get to the park due to some type of bridge closure.

Side camel toe.

Yup. Someone mentioned that although that is what the law states, it is much more relaxed than it appears....thankfully.

Thank you so much for sharing. I’m so happy to hear that. I actually lived there for a few years, and I had just assumed that abortion was legal and safe. I was so shocked today when I read that those were the requirements. I’m glad to see it isn’t as dire as it sounds.

Is that Black Cindy?!?!?

You guys should do a story on how poorly the airlines treat their flight attendants whose main job is to be there and alert in case of an emergency. I have family who work for United and they continually get screwed. They took their pensions away. They haven’t had a raise in more than 10 years. They’ve removed some

This is a fantastic right step. However, New Zealand has a long way to go.

They are a fantastic country! And, they actually have three official languages with sign language being the third.

Actually if you click the link that someone else provided, it says that this woman is carrying a toddler.

Well that is terrifying.

Yikes! Was she carrying a baby?

Hey Mark - According to Rawstory, the victim is a transgender woman. Could be a hate a crime.

Wow. I couldn’t imagine a bleecker start to her day!

That link is crazy. “Republican Babe of the Month”? SMH.

who has not been in a movie since 2002’s The Banger Sisters

Oh no, I get that she lost weight. The photo just looks like her head is floating above her body and isn’t attached. It might just be the way she is tilting her head, but it looks strange to me.

The nicest thing I can say about these tweets is at least Caitlyn Jenner received the most stars.

Also, whose body did she put Missy Elliot’s head on?