
Someone told me today that the cranky was coming from Mercury being in retrograde. I stabbed her with a thermometer.

But to be fair, your child did graduate from Iraqi High, right?

And they always match her outfit so well!

It’s actually the same photo. The left side is just #nofilter.

You realize Alaska isn’t cold and snowy in the summer, right?

TRUTH!! I just moved from there after being there for 3 years, and I honestly think people should need a passport to go there. I’ve lived in a few different countries and a bunch of states, and I can easily say that it is the weirdest fucking place I’ve ever been.

“...voters will get a chance to remove him from office next year.”

Good Things about the Original: keanu reaves, patrick swayze, presidents masks, surfing, etc.

I actually thought it was Lisa Bonet at first, as well. Then I remembered seeing Zoe Kravitz with her braids in another photo. Honestly, I think Lenny Kravitz drank something or made a pact with someone very powerful who gave him the secret to not aging (see: Casey Kasem). They’re a stunningly beautiful family.

I actually think that is their daughter, Zoe Kravitz.

Why is every Estelle such a badass?!

Sheep and goats are for peasants!

Kate’s greatest contribution to fashion:

Big deal! I was offered 100 cows from a bicycle fix it guy when I lived in Tanzania. Sadly, he was unable to secure the transport of the cows back to my father in America.

We just knew if we signed that law, if we provided the information, that more people if they saw that unborn child would make a decision to protect and keep the life of that unborn child.

Since it is linked from this article, the three boys in Macomb county that were charged late last year after two of them had sex with a 15 year old and the other took a photo were given probation. All three have to stay away from each other and the victim for three years. They also lost their cell phones, which they

I appreciate the effort to make Josh out to be a victim of the liberal media, but I’m going to assume that an organization that totes family values probably didn’t want a recently publicly outed child molester as their executive officer.