
Smith was already on a deferred sentence for attacking another one of her husband’s exes back in February.

I don’t know if you are serious, but that comment cracked me up.

I bet I can think of two more balls that deflated when these results were made public.

Wow. Will be interesting to see the punishment Brady receives. By the end of it, he’ll probably be wishing he would have just beat his wife instead.

I partnered up w the producers of one of my favorite shows Intervention to go behind the scenes of people living with mental illness” - Kim Kardashian

For some reason, I am very attracted to Mr. Thicke. I hate it. It’s an affliction. I love guido looking guys who are usually douche bags and will probably give me crabs. I thought this would go away but I’m coming up on 35. I, honestly, disgust myself when I think about.

And, meanwhile, the couple who was caught on camera having sex on the beach in Florida is looking at 15 years. Yup, makes total sense.

“I like to kill dogs!”

I’m sure you’re probably tired of advice, but I didn’t see anyone else say this and I thought it was important. Aside from the grammar/typos that people pointed out, write whatever makes sense to you. The only way you’re going to end up in a great, long term relationship is if you’re completely honest with who you

I LOVE that they’re calling her Mary. So good.

I think the most appropriate comparison would be that I’m like your favorite drink/drug. I always show you a good time, and sometimes I make you sick.

Transparent and overpriced? How dare you, sir!

Anything for the Hippie King :-)


“Oh and one thing I forgot, you guys are obviously a dangerous threat to each other so make sure you lock the bedroom doors!”

Exactly. And I’m sure it was just a simple mistake when he said he went inside to check the house. He meant to go inside, but he forgot.

Is the guy in video 7 sitting in his own room? If so, can someone please contact him about his leather (pleather) headboard and joker sheets. Yikes.


WHY!?! Because fish don’t deserve the same love and respect as land dwelling animals. Jeez!