
I really want them to try to age your avatar.

So according to Florida statue 837.05 I can be charged with either a misdemeanor or felony for providing false information to a police officer. Now, how come the police - like the police officer in this situation - don’t get charged when they provide false information in their police report?

I just used a photo of my nephew when he was a week old and they said he looked like he was 4. Can’t stop laughing.

I actually just scrolled back up, because I thought this poster and you were the same person.

My favorite part of that comment is that it exists on an article that is about a waitress who is being evicted.

Hillary - Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. I’m very sorry you had to go through that situation, and I’m very sorry that you’re still suffering from the assault.

Sounds more like she semi-rescued it.


I just had to remind myself to breathe. I say we turn this into a joe maganiello thread.

From the op-ed...

Sounds like someone is a little bitter that she upgraded.

Carb loading. It helps with naptime.

Only the good ones!

“a form of chauvinism that always wants to control the woman.”

According to police reports she struggled with police while arrested and then in the car ride over to the Santa Rita Jail in Dublin, Sheehan urinated and tried to wipe herself on arresting Officer Nolan Pianta’s pants.

Right?! I saw that sentence and was all...

“People need to know this.”

Come on. You know this. You’re just being argumentative. Rape by football players have been very prevalent over the past few years - steubenville, FSU, Vanderbilt, etc. Sadly, none of those places have tv shows about their football teams and town. Therefore, Schumer picked FNL. I can’t imagine why this is so difficult

It was a Friday Night Lights parody. FNL took place in Dillion, TX which is full of southerners, texans, is a small town, and was about high school football players and her supporters. Now if she called it a Saved By the Bell parody and included southerners, texas, high school football, etc. then I could see your