This happened in my community when I was living in east Africa. I was a volunteer in Tanzania, and the students at my boarding school caught a thief one night. They carried out the same mob justice with the beating and fire. The next day they all just went about school without even mentioning what they had done the…
The whole town I live in needs to get with the program, but that's for another comment. Luckily, I'm moving soon, and I imagine the doctors in the big city will be more aware of these things. Thanks again!
Based on your comment, I just looked up pap smears on I didn't know you could go five years without a pap. Hell, I didn't know you could go one. My doctor up here is still on the annual schedule. I'll have to refer her to the new guidelines. Thanks!
$300 for a blow job? That's it? Sounds like a pretty good line of work. Early retirement here I come!
"Per Idolator, Harris says he hooked up with Armani (for the money) because he's "been a long time admirer of their designs."
Marry, fuck, kill - the past three vice presidents. Go!
CLAMS!! Where are the clams? How can you talk about New Haven pizza and then leave off the clams. I don't understand.
Amazon has a plethora of options. Are they really that good?
Honest question - who still buys playboy? I figure you can get all the free naked lady pics you want online, so why buy a magazine?
Debbie Schlussel is the jewish version of the WBC. She'll use any chance she gets to spew her hate and vitriol. Nice of you all and TPM to give her words a platform.
Feet are disgusting.
I love that his solution was to bring in women from other places to act as chauffeurs to the Saudi women. Wouldn't that just be women driving then?! The look on the host's face at this total logic fail was priceless.
"Verbal Rape. Because he pulled the air out of the room," said Ms. Parker.
If I was Ms. Washington, I'd be more insulted that they made her look like Kristen Doute.
Who wants to make bets about what Madonna will do next. I'm betting $10 she's about two weeks away from nursing a baby animal.
Definitely not. I feel so bad for her children. It's one thing if your mom is embarrassing. It's another if your mom is embarrassing and she is Madonna.
Yes, yes it is. I can only hope his penis-pump makes another appearance in the sequel.