
So wait a second. The crazy lady from Christian Women Scared of Equality just said that Disney and Hollywood portray men as superfluous and only necessary for a paycheck, but then not ten seconds later she says we need to teach boys to be good husbands and providers. Uh, is that not the same thing?!

Just became a Nikki Christian fan.

Yes! Thank you! I've been waiting for Jez to mention something about that. It's ridiculous!!

Sounds like this guy is filled to his rim with a lot of self hatred. Wonder where it comes from.

So apparently I don't know the difference between Penn Jillette and Donnie Wahlberg or Harold Ramis (RIP!) and Harvey Weinstein.

Well, when you date a child, you're gonna get burned.

I guess when you're a millionaire with a car elevator

Exactly! Restrooms are the vaginas of rooms. If something that's not supposed to enter tries to enter, restrooms will shut the whole thing down.

Someone never learned about glass houses.

I know the a writer for FOD. Sometimes they have more of a say in what goes into a video (see above), then other times they don't, which doesn't always work out well. It all depends on who is involved. They have a bunch of different writers, and sometimes the famous person involved wants to make changes, or the higher

"Tonight, rather than respond to a speech, I'd like to talk about your priorities," she began.

Dear Ellen and Portia,

From the Pastor's article:

It's only a matter of time before guys figure this out and just start arguing that "the girl said yes", even if she didn't. Now what? Now we just assume all men are lying?

Best of luck to you!

Chavez said the funeral could not continue with any physical reminders that Collier was gay present in the church.

They didn't even attempt to make the signatures look different. What's the point of even putting different names if every name looks the same. And it isn't even generic writing. So dumb.

If you're looking to help, you can donate to women on waves here.

Come on guys, we all know it is a real life gladiator suit.

Fair enough.