
Someone's projecting. Did it burn, Mr. Crow, when they gave the role in Exodus to Christian Bale?

Go home, Chad Kelly. You're drunk.

If I was a dog, I'd give my nuts to be able to do that dance.

I wonder about this though, particularly after I just saw an article which said that a football has an average of 11 minutes of actual action. NFL players seem to train less for endurance and more for short bursts of energy. They also tend to specialize in one speciality - carrying the ball, receiving, blocking -

It's like an updated version of the "Got here first!" comments that used to appear on comment boards when they were new. Only now they've added some passive aggressiveness. Still really juvenile.

Can you guys do this bit on planes next, please. That's the worst!!

That's true. It was probably part of the talks. Although I'm going to hold out some hope it wasn't.

Her comment to Ms. Cox about being black for 60 years was one of the rudest things I've seen Whoopi do in a long time few days.

Whoopi seems to have the same problem with racism that she has with rape. If it isn't the most blatant in your face version of either than it doesn't count. Which is just complete and utter foolishness.

True. I guess I meant in the sense that Cuban might not let her go. I was assuming that they would be less inclined to protect a US citizen from extradition than they would a Cuban citizen. But that is just my guess.

Isn't she a Cuban citizen now? Would that affect any attempts to return her to the US?

My mistake. I didn't look at the model. I only saw the photo.

My mistake. I didn't look at the model. I only saw the photo.

When did Madonna become my drunk Tea Party aunt?

Navigator is currently on sale on Amazon for $99.

Navigator is currently on sale on Amazon for $99.

She's also in Transparent, if you haven't seen it, and she's great!

Your statement is particularly funny considering Rubio tried to play the "my parents had to leave because of Castro" card. When, in reality, his parents left a few years before Castro came to power.

As does, Ben Schwartz, who plays that character. Let me (hopefully) introduce to his writing. Enjoy!

Sorry to be that person, but shouldn't this say Australia?

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