
What exactly are Rubio's issues? That Cuba isn't a democracy? That they are "tyrants." Funny that didn't seem to be a problem when his aides went to China this summer, sponsored by the Chinese government. Where was all your "democracy" talk then, Mr. Rubio?

Chief Hills: Well, he seemed so sorry about it.

The article also mentioned this:

Now playing

In case you still don't believe that Chris Pratt is an amazing human being, he sang 5000 Candles in the Wind at the Parks and Rec wrap party.

Ditto. I switched to only OBs after a disturbing incident while I was in the Peace Corps. PC would send us tampax so we had to bury and burn the applicators with the trash. Then one day I came home to see all the kids that lived around me playing with something on their fingers. As I got closer, I realized that they

Jeez, with all those rainbows coming out of that horse's ass, someone should get it a tampon.

The police chief should be fired. Here are his comments from an April article about the stalking:

True. She does have Kennedy, Nixon, Bush Sr., Ford, and Carter, who were all one term (or less) presidents.

Well she is 68.

The guy that JLaw is supposedly dating to replace Martin, looks like Martin, if Martin looked like Andy Samberg.

Kids are the best sleepers. My sister-in-law will pick up her sleeping 2 year old, hug on him, and kiss him, and then put him right back to bed. He doesn't make a peep. Meanwhile, if Mr. Walker sighs in his sleep, I want to take my pillow and suffocate him with it.

Yup, this was the most depressing tweet beat I think I've ever read. Not because of what was said, but because I found myself saying, "You're right Donald!" while nodding my head when I was done reading.

I bet I would have never heard about the cock and ball cross has it not been for all the pearl clutching by the Catholic League. Thanks, Mr. Donahue!

"She took the words right out of my mouth." - Mrs. Sandusky

Do you feel better now? I'm only asking since you felt compelled to comment on something to make a point that wasn't needed.

That doesn't mean anything when it comes to Title IX.

According to Title IX, the onus is on the university regardless if a woman has more of a chance of being raped, if she isn't a student. Title IX broadly prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. Sexual violence is viewed under the law as

Did I miss something? Did Cosby hire Whoopi as his legal aid, because it sure sounds like she is cross examining Ms. Johnson.