That's not even the half of it. Our other sister is a fundamentalist Christian. My sister - not the fundy - is actually a writer, so you may very well see a movie in the future that sounds very similar to this.
That's not even the half of it. Our other sister is a fundamentalist Christian. My sister - not the fundy - is actually a writer, so you may very well see a movie in the future that sounds very similar to this.
I come from a family of police officers - 7 in total counting all the uncles and cousins - including my father, and I can't tell you how many times they have each broken laws and gotten away with it. When I was a kid and they would get together, it was awful. Super sexist, homophobic, and racist.
Yea, pretty difficult to "rebuild" something that didn't exist in the first place.
Typical of any old boys club republican or democrat.
Shit that survey is depressing if 33 wasn't a good year for you (and by "you" I mean "me").
I couldn't agree more. I make a very nice salary, particularly for a family of one. However, I can't stand my job, and I hate going into work everyday. It has made me miserable, and I am envious of all those folks who took the chance and chased after what they love to do. I would give all the money in my savings to…
I'm not on Plenty of Fish, but I emailed to tell them this profile is for a man who has been charged with rape. Would be helpful if more folks emailed too.
Do we know if the police have a copy of the video that was sent to the victim?
That one is on redtube not youtube.
She should turn this into the next cardio fade. Imagine how many calories she burned.
Huh. That's weird. I only recently discovered these, and I don't remember having the same problem with the coconut. Maybe it was the batch, or maybe they melted a bit before reforming. I say give them another try!
I completely agree with your comment and just want to add, "See: Donald Trump."
You googled Coconut Dream and got Marc Jacobs perfume? Well that wouldn't taste very good.
I was.
I'll also add that he puts on a great show. Granted this was 15 years ago, but he was all over the stage. The crowd was great. There were beachballs going around. I recommend it.
There were some rumors going around when he and his wife divorced and he married Trisha Yearwood. Domestic violence, cheating, all the salacious stuff. I think all the parties involved denied it.
I remember liking him in high school and being surprised at the lack of the stereotypical country fan at his concerts. Not a rebel flag in sight.