
Never mind, you would eat Guy Fieri's kale?

So apparently airports are the best places for celebrity spotting on Thanksgiving eve.

I'm assuming the bus was bringing them from a terminal to where the plane was. They could have driven off, sure, but I'm guessing the gate called ahead and said they had a passenger coming. Probably more efficient to wait instead of bringing those folks and then having to come back for two people.

Holding up the bus that ferries you to a flight isn't the same thing as holding up a flight. I'm all for calling Kanye out for his terrible behavior, but I don't believe that this incident fits.

Oh my god. If you put their first names together you get Jim. AHHHH.

The bit is even more perfect, because the interviewer is British.

I was wondering that too, particularly since the left side of his face would have been the side closer to Michael Brown. Unless with his super powers, Michael Brown was able to dive through the passenger window and punch him in the face. Which apparently makes sense to the grand jury.

Right! I just read she got 60 months, and the judge said she could have left the house. Why the fuck don't we have the same standards for police. Wilson called for backup. It wasn't as if Brown and his friends were running away. Considering the assist vehicle arrived 90 seconds after the incident began, I think he

My checks get redder than this when I drink.

Or a painter. I hear paintings of other people's photos go for big money these days.

He means the media of his choosing, so not that damn liberal media.

You know a lot of pre-teen whores?

I don't understand the older generation of singers that disparage the upcoming generation. News Flash: You all were considered edgy and over the top by the folks before you too.

Please tell me that is a real name and not something you made up. Pleeeeaaaasssseeee!

Alright. Alright. Alright.

"And she was on like, B- sexy tv shows."

"...an event that will occupy the front of Norman High until at least 4:20 p.m."

They actually own 26 restaurants (or more now) around the world, and Lisa was a television "star" in England from when she was a child. I don't think he is a trust fund guy, but they definitely seemed to have had some help with those bootstraps.

She owns the restaurant and she is one of the housewives on the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and if you touch a hair on her head her dog will attack you.

I'm going to a girls weekend in about two months and, god damn it, if we don't have as much fun as Beyonce I'm going to punch my friends in their faces.