
Liam. He's in the Hunger Games.

I'm not sure how to feel about this.

I wouldn't even jump off the ground with a blindfold on. You never know what someone will put underneath you.

Fair enough. You would not be one of the people I was referring to.

People don't like Katharine Heigl because she is the epitome of a person who bites the hand that feeds them. Working on Grey's, oh let me comment about how the writing is crap. Starring in Knocked Up, oh let me comment about how chauvinistic the whole movie is. And while I actually agree with her on both of those

Did Shaun Smith retire from the NFL and then join a middle school team?

More proof that rapists don't really care what you're wearing. This victim was in a tux for christ's sake.

"Treadwell assaulted King during an altercation at her home"

I read Demi's tweet before it had fully loaded. The first sentence has a whole new meaning without the photo. Let's say I was a little disappointed when it loaded.

I don't see what the big deal is. So what is your employer won't provide you with birth control coverage. If you get pregnant, you could just get an abortion.

Did he have an interview to be a game show host after the "pep talk"?

Great dog name!

Anyone else hoping that light fixture falls? Anyone?

Adams Apple-bees

Well, whoever is writing for Letterman should be fired. His show hasn't been funny in a very long time.

This woman embodies everything I hate about the evangelical christian right: ignorance and arrogance.

I pray that one day God grants people with vaginas the ability to understand science.

Making statements you know are outrageous because you need attention from strangers on twitter isn't comedy. It's fucking lazy.

I want to live in a world where people are that kind when they speak to each other.