I definitely read that the first time as Mario Batali. Doesn't look like him either.
I definitely read that the first time as Mario Batali. Doesn't look like him either.
It was also a season of American Horror Story.
I vote for the track suit
Let them waste their money sending bibles. It is less money they have to donate to the campaigns of these morons.
I miss the jelly and Unicorns.
If you're not offended about jokes about people getting the shit kicked out of them, particularly when we know that this is a national problem that needs to be taken more seriously, then you're a disgusting human being.
I see. Thanks for clearing that up!
Most of the time, but the school can also provide scholarships which can reduce fees for an out-of-state person to an in-state person. I was a recipient of one of these. I was an out-of-state person that was awarded in-state tuition. I would just assume the school did the same for any scholarship that they give out.
I think the first two degrees are from Strayer University.
How does that actually work? If the school can determine who gets in-state and who doesn't, then wouldn't they declare someone "in-state" if they are covering the costs? For example, I was able to go to a University out-of-state but on in-state tuition due to a scholarship provided by the University.
I'll make love to you - Boys II Men
You guys should give him a break. Mr. Cameron will always have a special place in my heart. It was only after visiting his crazy website (www.thewayofthemaster.com) did I decide that if this imbecile can become a minister, then so can I. After waiting for 24 hours for my emailed certificated, I was ordained and had…
One of the worst parts about all this is that this man sits on the education committee in Texas.
Deleted because I read your comment wrong.
Aw, that's not true. Sometimes we need you to marry the help, so they can get a greencard. I hate when you guys sell yourselves short.
I hate myself a little for this, but I'm kinda jealous they got a tweet back.
Right?! Total humble brag.
That's great. I'm glad others are having better experiences at their schools!
Which part makes it sound disappointed? I've read through it twice, and it reads as facts to me.
I can't find actual numbers, but it appears to be a lot based on some google searching and purely anecdotal evidence. I would guess that in many small college towns it doesn't make much sense to have campus security and a police department. For larger universities, such as my school which had 32k, your sort of your…