
No. No! NO!! NOOOOOOOO!!! I love this show so much; I need them all on my TV forever and ever.

This is a good run and I could sort of tell it might be winding down since Guillermo’s storyline essentially ended last season

Six seasons?! That means a movie!

It is super obvious that Bertha promised the Duke a marriage with Gladys to solve his long term money problems. I think Bertha is underestimating her daughter. I don’t think she will go quietly into that marriage to be a dollar princess. 

The late Reverend Swire Forte to the rescue!

It seems that the Reverend Forte wasn’t just a hot man of god—the dude was a secretly loaded hot man of god, thanks to a grandfather who made a fortune in textiles back in Boston, and that fortune has been left entirely to Ada.

I think she dangled a marriage with her daughter and a fat dowry along with it. 

It was the weakest, but seeing JJL’s performance and gradual change from slightly disinterested to mildly terrifying during one conversation and conveying it all with only some slight changes to her vocal tone and expression was worth it.

If this initiative passes, which it probably will, we should not assume DeSantis and the Florida legislature will accept defeat. They’ve already shown they don’t care anything for the will of the voters. After another initiative restored voting rights to felons, they knee-capped the whole thing because they didn’t

It was such a terrific scene.  Both because of the homage to the movie as you note, but also because it revealed so much about Lorraine.  I mean, she’s still horrid, but you got a real sense of how she got where she is now, that she HAD to become this coldhearted, wicked person, just to make it as a woman in a male

The “Tijuana Blowjob” lecture with the bankers was gold....(who as usual were an omage to the movie’s father-in-law & advisor)

I’ve never understood how the party of limited government justifies interfering in health care choices.  I mean I get that they feel the need to keep the ladies in “their place” but can you imagine a similar ban on *anything* for men?

Kate essentially has no personality at all

And while The Crown does take care to reveal how Machiavellian Carole Middleton (Eve Best) was in plotting her daughter’s proximity to the future King of England—Kate calls her worse than Mrs. Bennet—it never really examines the problematic nature of her manipulations.”

“So, you want freedom with no responsibility. Son, there’s only one person on earth who gets that deal. A baby. You’re fighting for your right to be a baby.”

Lorraine systematically devouring Roy throughout that entire scene should earn the episode a bonus half-letter grade, at least. Jennifer Jason Leigh has been superb every second she’s been on screen this season.

Yeah that was my favorite moment.  She utterly clocked him.

Between Lorraine’s disgust with the bankers who clearly didn’t want to deal with a woman,

Lorraine in no way is a good person, but damn if I didn’t enjoy her calling Roy out on his bullshit. Baby, indeed.

And it’d be so Downton Abbey of the show. Julian Fellowes may not know many tricks, but he knows his handful very, very well.