
The whole cat and mouse improv of contraptions in the showdowns [like the guy on TV, MacGuyver I think it was] and the claustrophobic complexity of walls and doors and aisles, was very reminiscent of the showdowns in Blood Simple.  Not Coen, but there was a smidge of Home Alone as well.

So are we all agreed that we want the Tillmans to die slowly and painfully? I think I actually hate Gator more, because he is the cowardly sycophant of the bully, which is always one of the most hateable archetypes.

You have to believe those two are going to clash.

The scene when Dot dropped the “Aw, Jeez” accent with her MIL is when I really got excited.

It would be helpful for AVClub’s longevity to ungrey more accounts. We need them to be constructive contributors, not porn-posting trolls, naturally, but bringing more folks to be visible at the Kinja party would still be a big help to the engagement stats.

There were plenty of vile, despicable people in the Trump administration but for whatever reason I hated Pence the most, second only to Trump himself. Just the blandness of him, his “This is my serious face” face, the fact that he’d lie at the drop of a hat like his boss and never suffer consequences for it (like his

I swear to god Fellows only knows of two types of people: upper class twits, and their poor put-upon lowest-class servants. Anything outside that and he’s useless. See: Stephen Fry’s detective in Gosford Park.

Decades after Elvis’s death, Pricilla still struggles to process how manipulative and abusive their relationship was for her. And that is not surprising considering how people still romanticize a relationship that started when she was 14 and he was 24. Her eldest child was from that union, Pricilla also has a son who

Did nobody ever tell you it’s legal to “fire” your health care team? If you don’t like someone who’s giving you care, you can demand other personnel. They work for you. In your situation I would have demanded to see the Charge Nurse, told her/him that your care giver was not respecting your wishes, and demanded

That is an entirely too nuanced position for this article, you're supposed to be clickbait outraged!

LUNDEN? What was wrong with London? If you’re misspelling something to be *unique * please consider it will make your kid look like you/possibly they can’t spell.

My wife is on a lot of medication for her chronic disease. EDS like the lady in the article. When we had our second son we had a very supportive group of doctors working with. We were able to identify what meds she had to come off completely and what meds she would take at lower doses and what meds she didn’t need to

You would think these people who base their need to exist around their social media life would go back to see what their little teenage asshole self said that might, just might bite them in the ass should someone unearth it. Because - sheesh we were all jackasses as kids. Some more than others.

Changing from Openly racist behaviors and even changing perspective is a radically different thing that openly working towards equity and antiracism.

I think it comes down to what has a white person used their privilege or opportunities for once they’ve realized that their prior attitude was racist or wrong.

16, on

Don’t forget religion!

THIS!!!!  This a thousand, billion, googleplex times this!!!!!

Just part of the problem. It’s capitalism and money at all costs.


“My personal beliefs mean that I can object to treating a patient.”

The US has gone mad.