
this will be so unfortunate, living in florida those kids won’t be educated properly, unless he allows them to be tutored by a real educator.

Well I get wanting to hate Chris Pratt, and if he was a better actor, I’d dismiss him seeming sincerely hurt about anything as just another performance. But he strikes me as a guy with pretty limited range that does not give second thoughts to how his words may be perceived. Just a bit of a dummy. No law against that.

So he’s a...prat.

So it wasn’t Sophie’s choice?

Read this in Matt Berry’s voice.

So your sources are youtube videos? Are we supposed to take that seriously?  How about some actual proof that couldn’t have been edited or faked to push a fucking false narrative?

You do not understand the difference between anecdote and statistics. That makes you as stupid as you are deranged. Unfortunately, there are enough people that share your ignorance and delusion that make you a threat to American democracy.

A better question is why are liberals so adamant about adult men shaking their balls in front of children?”

All the energy of: “Tell me you never have been to a drag without telling me you that you have never been to a drag show.” This literally does not happen, even at the lewdest of drag performances. 

I’ve never been to a drag show where anyone was swinging their balls. 

...adult men shaking their balls in front of children?

Yeah, you’re not being honest about your own position. You’re not “only” concerned about this bizarre hypothetical children-being-forced-to-watch-sex-acts story, which is born from the fevered imagination of dirty-minded bigots. You just find it to be an enticing attack vector against the queers and against anyone who

This does not happen. You live in an insane world of fear and delusion. Your twisted world view defies logic.

You are a dipshit.

Yeah but there are drag shows that are designed to be child/family friendly. I’m not going to pretend that there aren’t lewd drag shows (which are still fun), but drag is not necessarily based in sexuality. Drag shows are more about pageantry and spectacle then sexuality, and kid friendly drag shows fall in the former

Yes god forbid kids see that some adults like to play dress up in costumes too!?

Are we shocked? It’s been pretty clear from all of her appearances that her and her husband are still Evangelical- meaning they’re only moderately clearing the very low bar set by the IBLP, and their attitudes surrounding the abuse haven’t largely been that it was amoral, wrong or a crime- but that it should never

I can fathom that Jill doesn’t fully hate her parents. She is entitled to those emotions, no matter how weird we think it is.

Honestly, I think this is as good as Jill's grasp on reality is going to get. Major scandals with her parents, church, and brother combined with a decent husband won't be enough to undo the decades of fucked up shit she was raised with. 

Boebert is a basic bitch. After her political career dissolves she is destined for more basic activities in the public eye. Kinda like Palin and Rosanne.

God she thinks she is such. hot. shit. Maddening.