
It would have been aharrowing escape” if a dam had collapsed, or a volcano had erupted, or death squads had invaded the camp, or aliens had started laying waste to the place with disintegrator rays. They chose—against official advice if I’ve got this straight— to walk out, then hitched a ride the rest of the way.

Diplo and Chris Rock were happy to go to Burning Man for whatever reason,

“Leave no trace” has always kinda been a goal rather than reality. Just checking Google you can find aerial shots of the playa that show with crystal clear detail exactly where and how past events were oriented.

I saw it coming and I still laughed my ass off!

Oh, I don’t know, I think the episode was really all about roasting, though mostly the roast of the Baron.

I concede fully the points about serialized story telling (and lack thereof) and cheap jokes....but this is exactly what I like about this show. Its amusing, low impact, and weird.

I’m going to forgive this episode for sidelining Lazlo, of only because they clearly needed all that time in the episode for Doug Jones’ great performance.  I particularly love his face-acting.  Presumably, the costuming and makeup for the Baron must be very restricting, because he throws so much of his performance

I’m kinda bummed the Baron is all crispy again but dammit if I didn’t laugh my ass off when Gizmo opened that door

For those of you who’ve long admired “American Bad Ass” musical artist Kid Rock

Replying to you so as not to give the bigoted troll in your comments oxygen.

Who is that invested in Snow White to care this much? She’s the least interesting Disney princess in a very forgettable film that is only notable because it was the first. Seriously when was the last time you watched it? I did a Disney rewatch during the pandemic and other than some nice animation and the super fierce

I’m sure most everyone knows this but maybe it’s worth adding to the discussion:

This is one of the many reasons I hate any Disney Live Action movie. They cast mixed race or women of color actresses, then put them in the role of defending them and upholding their new version as something necessary and desired by the audience. They toss these women to the wolves then rake in millions of dollars for

I don’t get why the author is trying to call into doubt whether or not Sandra Bullock knew about this situation. How would she know? She was given a script, and probably met the woman she pretended to be a few times in controlled situations where that woman would have been pretending to be great.

It is Criminal! that Hulu does not advertise this show more and that it does not win more awards. Rez Dogs is fantastic, funny, heartfelt, and original and some of the best TV in years. I hope these three seasons end up being shipped to schools and libraries for free and  on disk so Native students have access to it.

Excited for this episode. The Deer Lady episodes have been my favorites of each of the previous seasons. No character I think better exemplifies the show’s magic realism 

Honestly, this may be musk’s greatest crime.  Making people root for zuckerberg.

Every Musk plan starts with a big announcement, then an update, then quietness, then a casual excuse while saying everything is right on track, and and then it gets shit-canned because he’s had a better plan that will supersede the original, and then there’s nothing.

I don’t know what show you guys were watching, I was dying. The whole out of control sight gags of them getting ready for the ensuing hordes of townspeople who never show up, Nandor going back out over and over to either hypnotize the tv audience, or over explain something no one even cared about.

I loved the building hilarity of the vampires continuing to make everything worse every time they tried to fix what they thought was the previous calamity though it does make me wonder how our beloved idiots did manage to survive this long. Hypnosis, which is a running undercurrent of the season, can only get you so