
Have you ever talked to a trainer or a doctor?

In Canada it comes out of the national Employment Insurance fund. To qualify you have to have insurable employment and then work a certain number of hours (600) or have your weekly income slashed by 40%.

I love how people feel entitled to complain that she’s not dressing fancily enough for them every single day.

In defense of Kate’s basic-ness, I think there’s something refreshing that’s she’s the most famous women in the world, but she will just throw on the same old wrap dress silhouette and work with the same five designers. I also think the fact that she will recycle evening dresses even though she knows everyone is just


Don't be ashamed. It's not your child's job to make the world a happier place. You know him; you can help him learn limits and courteous behavior at the appropriate ages/in the appropriate situations. Little kids cannot be well-mannered all the time. They can't do it most of the time! One of my sons just grunted,

Don’t be ashamed. He is a unique person, with his own personality. My daughter was the same as a baby/toddler/pre-schooler, and I worried so much about what would happen to her later in life and her ability to make friends in school etc. But I never forced her to “make nice” with people when she didn’t want to. I gave

I know Martin doesn’t give us closure like this, but I’d really like to see Jon Snow put a couple feet of Longclaw through his belly.

Yeah - I am heavy and I am very strict. It’s just a battle for some of us. I haven’t had the history of ED that you do (and I’m so glad you are doing better on that front), but I have been trying and trying and trying to simultaneously love and accept myself as I am and lose weight. I’m much better motivated to take

Also, when she said something along the lines of “I love how people think that this is something new- welcome to the last 13 years,”

Not-Matt-Dillon could be the Under-Secretary of Making Breakfast for the Bros.

Boo to you. He could have made Vince the Secretary of Partying Down.

Game of ThronesIwon Rheon says Ramsay Bolton is “Dennis the Menace crossed with the Joker from Batman.”

  • President Barack Obama was the only celebrity smart enough to turn down a cameo in the Entourage movie and now I’m suddenly feeling patriotic. [TMZ]


The grass is always greener... Careerist, single - older. Driving to work, got a strong pang watching a mother walking with her two boys (pre-school age). That looked like so much FUN - for a couple hours. ;)

It’s cool, you can join our group. We’re the World’s Okayest Moms- and we’ve got the mugs to prove it. (sorry that the picture is giant and fuzzy) Here’s your welcome bouquet.

Michelle Obama can do no wrong.

“Now I’m at the stage where my kids are introducing me to music and they’re like, ‘You don’t wanna hear this, mom. The language is too bad,’”