
which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.

just too much Law & Order

The substantial story, which we’re not going to get until the dust settles (and Clinton is sworn in motherfuckers!), is that the FBI and DOJ are in serious discord. I don’t think the heart of it is the Clinton emails at all; rather, it’s Loretta Lynch vs. entrenched career FBI agents left over from the Bush

If the left isn’t listening it’s because we’ve gone deaf due to all the screaming about BENGHAZI!!!! and EMAILS!!!!!!

better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to tweet and remove all doubt...

I like candidates who weren’t rushed offstage, okay?

Explain to me again how the President divided the country racially? By being black in a country where there is a significant contingent of racist white people? And how did he dividie it sexually? By saying that a presidential candidate who is a self-professed serial sexual assualter in unfit for the office? Or by

Yeah, fuck that extending of health insurance to millions more people and getting rid of the “pre-existing condition” thingy, and screw that “equal protection” BS ... pffttt. Oh, and who the hell would want to have at 4.9 unemployment rate, strong dollar and the DJIA hovering around 18K. Thanks, Obama.

1. You literally don’t know what ACA is if you call it a healthcare system.

I’m sorry, there is a record number of Americans with health care today, that is not a failure my friend. A better plan could have been passed if it wasn’t for republicans. As for devicisiveness, this president has fought for those marginalized sexually and economically. It’s only in the head of the sad republican

The fact that the Democrats weren’t in charge of Congress does not absolve the Republicans who were in charge of their complete abrogation of duty and absurd obstructionism. There have been plenty of times during our history where the Executive branch and the Legislative branch were run by different parties, and yet

I was saying the same thing other day. Remember when conservatives were playing up (i.e. making up) Obama’s “black rage”? To me his seems almost supernaturally level-headed. I know I would have lost my shit with some of the crap Republicans have pulled over the last 8 years (like sreaming “you lie” at him during the

Wtf does that have to do with my observation that we need a mobile emergency biology course for conservative men?

I bet the protester’s head exploded when he was able to unironically say, “Thanks Obama!”

You think it’s going to be hard for me to come up with numbers? It’s shockingly easy. Numbers:

If Trump wins, the fault will lie with Hillary and the Democratic Party that rigged the primaries for her, not me the voter.

I found filling in the circle next to Hillary Clinton’s name immensely satisfying, and not stressful at all. The election may be stressful (understatement), but voting... That was calming. Just me and the ballot.

I love that “it’s not all about reproductive rights! What about ISIS?!” argument. Statistically speaking, I’m much more likely to be harmed or killed by Republicans’ dangerous quest to control my body than to be killed by ISIS.

That is like when people say reproductive rights shouldn’t be the focus of my vote. If they aren’t that important, stop trying to take them away.

Oh fuck off, Sarandon. A) It’s actually shitty and sexist if you to imply that women voting differently than you are doing so because their little lady brains can’t handle voting for a reason other than “that one has boobs too.”