
Bailey is and always has been, the best boy. I dont trust any politician that doesn’t have a dog. 

It WAS warm on super Tuesday!

Also last time around we used a caucus, which skews/silences responses from northern & more remote parts of the state. If anything, this election was probably more representative of the state as a whole because it was easier for more people to get their vote in (same day registration & voting/early voting/etc.)

Yeah, but we also let Jesse Ventura run the entire state for four years despite giving a Playboy interview where he called organized religion a crutch for the weak-minded.

It’s not inexplicable, but it’s also hyper-local. The Minnesota pandering (think about her responding to Warren’s “Amy’s health care plan could fit on a Post-It” with “Post-Its were invented in Minnesota!) and bragging about how many Republicans like her play really well here. As Brandi Brown always says, Amy

This is depressingly accurate.

This is exactly what I mean. Sanders supporters should be building bridges, not burning them. He’s their leader, he needs to do more to make that clear.

I was really hoping that America’s Perpetual Bridesmaid would stay in until the convention. She’s been my number one since the beginning and I think she is second choice for a lot of people. Her best shot was a contested convention. Still, I’ve very happy to have her in the Senate.

Elizabeth Warren: She understood this election and this country has to be more than just “Not Trump.” She had ambitious ideas and detailed plans that don’t fit well in a sound byte and yet was still one of the best speakers and debaters in the bunch. She had experience and education and compassion. She had my vote

I’m devastated. There are no other words. I don’t have anything else to add to this. I’m just here to commiserate with my fellow Warren supporters. Sad, sad day.

I would very much prefer that the whole nation get to vote on the same day, perhaps using a ranked choice voting system

I agree with many that this seem inevitable, but goodbye to the only candidate that I actually liked. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still vote for whomever the Dems put up because 95% of the world’s population would be better that the shit stain we have now. But ugh. I guess I’ll probably go with Bernie in the  primaries,

can you read? look at the numbers. Biden would have done even better. if bloomie was already out it would be even more of a landslide

Dammit. Elizabeth Warren was the runaway choice of my 40-70 year old educated multi-race multi-party (many Republicans hate trump) group of friends. She knows what to do and how to do it, and her plans make sense. 

Elizabeth Warren was the only true front runner who was properly vetted. Meanwhile Biden and Sanders were allowed to fail upwards.

After the snake emojis and treatment of Warren supporters by the bros, I'm not inclined to feel the Been. 

We are totally ready to have a female President.

And now to choose which problematic old white man to vote for...sigh.

You were the best candidate and it wasn’t close. I’ll pour out a Michelob Ultra for ya, Senator.

Ketchup is considered dangerously spicy here.