

Chace’s The Deep calendar spread is perfect.  That conspicuous bulge is so in character it’s ridiculous.

Is he still your boyfriend?

That’s a darling image, but I wouldn’t want Cyrus and the paparazzi that follow her anywhere near St. Paul.

I think her post is reasonable, its fair to warn people of absence of law and order and basic security. People should be able to make informed decisions about where they travel and her experience is informative.

The zoo is free!

Every time I read these posts about Lake Como, as a Minnesotan it’s confusing.  We have a Lake Como locally in St. Paul, so I’m envisioning these two lovebirds on little pedaled paddleboats surrounded by ducks and snapping turtles.

Or it could be that society just likes to make fun of literally anything that is enjoyed primarily by women. If it was mostly men drinking PSLs we would not have this seasonal mocking. I'll be enjoying one the day it comes out because I live in the south and PSL day is a nice reminder that this horrible summer weather

*Gourd your loins

Last Christmas, I burned down Kings landing.

That is one of my biggest pet peeves. Male and Female are adjectives, not nouns.

This is off-topic, but there is NOTHING in there about Swedes or Norwegians. What are we, chopped liver?

I wrote it down, I can’t walk it back. 

My take is that the n-word is wrapped up with 400+ years of oppression, marginalization, discrimination, racism, and white supremacy.

The only one in the same ballpark in the USA is squaw. It’s both racist and misogynistic.

I’m always amazed and horrified when a fellow white person claims that some word or other is “like the n-word”. Sorry, but there’s no term that that has been used interchangeably with “property” the way that the n-word has. There’s shitty words, for sure, but you do not need to “explain” that they are shitty by

The use of ‘females’ makes me insane!  It’s so reductive and dismissive. 

It sends off alarm bells for me, too. I want to emphasize that I believe Kloss and support him for coming forward. I don’t support his take on gender politics.

Apparently I agree with you, because I have nary a drool-inspired diamond-encrusted necklace but the hound keeps us well-supplied with drool. Usually it’s confined to the area where his food and water bowls are until I see it and clean it up.

“Drool? Like the kind produced by a Bernese Mountain Dog after a long day of chasing tennis balls in the desert...”