
Why is anyone surprised about this?!

Everyone has always loved 10 Things I Hate About You.

This movie was and still is my jam. I remember my friend I watching it on repeat, dressing up as Josie and Mel for Halloween, and an endless loop of the soundtrack. About a year ago, I purchased the movie on iTunes and had to BUY THE CD because its not available to stream anywhere.

Yes, your last paragraph is really what made my heart break.

JWoww’s post about her son breaks my heart. I know it isn’t easy to parent, or parent a child who is neuroatypical, but breaking “habits” so he can become an “incredible adult” just leaves me feeling so hopeless for her son! If he has OCD, she won’t be able to “break habits” and that means she’s setting him up for a

Why does anyone wear PVC shoes? This looks like they would steam up and show all your foot sweat. Also blisters... and showing those blisters.

The Folk Art ones are okay. That heel looks blocky enough to support the height. I might get behind the Anna ones if they could be just regular booties instead of stiletto

Right? I couldn’t remember how he looked at all and I see this ad all the time because I have the cheap Hulu. Maybe the woman will be remembered, but also not in a “She was in that Peloton ad!” but in a “Where do I know her from?” way.

Nah, she rifs and screws up enough you can tell its her. She laughs, trips, and goes off the track plenty.


As a fellow Minnesotan, I would like this for the office or when I have to work and its -60. Thanks.

Wow there is a lot of fat shaming going on in this comment.

I also want to note that I too refuse to befriend people who do all those things. I’m not saying she should be friends with him. I just don’t buy that she IS friends with GWB.

People use the term “friends” as a term for acquaintance all the time. Imma need more proof of them being friends than sitting next to each other at a football game and him as a guest on her show. I have no reason to defend Ellen- I just see this all as a ploy to get attention on her show again.

I literally watched an X Files episode where they mentioned cattle mutilation last night and then woke up to NPR talking about it today.

What does anyone expect Ellen to do? She’s not going to attack him at a football game, and she’s gotta get viral videos and retweets to keep her show going. She’s also wrapped in privilege since she has wealth and she’s white, sooooo.... As much as I’d like her to go on her show and say “I was cordial in public but

I don’t want to defend a Kardashian... but I don’t know why you brought Trump into this? Her tweet was directed at WI Gov Evers. TMZ put in a pic of Kim with Trump. Trump never had anything to do with this story.

When I read stories like this, and even worse- read the comments where people justify it, I’m so glad I live in the midwest. Yes I have to deal with snow and shitty cold, but there’s no way I could afford shelling out that much for that. My boyfriend and I rent a 3-bedroom house with garage and fenced yard for $1600.

Yeah, there’s videos of them not getting along YEARS ago. Like her sticking her tongue out and saying something like “Yuck” when Selena Gomez went to kiss him backstage at some awards thing.

Vicodin makes me faint. Like literally have a fainting spell. THE NEXT DAY. So what did my oral surgeon give me after my wisdom teeth? PERCOCET. As if a stronger pain killer was going to be easier to tolerate! I ended up skipping the drugs all together, but because it hurt to close my mouth I ended up with muscle

some people are sensitive to medication though? I take a half-dose of my muscle relaxer and I’m messed up, AND you’re supposed to be able to drive on them. My boyfriend, on the other hand, can take twice the dose and have no reaction.