
First of all, I cannot imagine having a vacation so bad you have nothing nice to say about it. Its not so much that I feel pressure to overdramatize the good parts, its that people don’t want to hear about the bad, unless its tragic. But a mediocre vacation? Of course I keep that to myself- people don’t care.

She was the heiress in You on Netflix.

My boyfriend considered shaving his beard last September- I told him he couldn’t until his tan faded (beard tan line? Hard no.) and he ended up never shaving it off. This is a reminder that he should just keep it.

I don’t get it. Its like my dad thought child support covered ALL expenses of a child rather than help cover some of his share. Good luck.

My mom definitely told him that he needed to start stocking his house, but apparently he thought it wasn’t his responsibility.

File it under: things he expected my mother to deal with.

He was an RN but apparently his three daughters never had their period on his weekends.

As a woman who spent her teen years stuffing her underwear with toilet paper because her divorced dad wouldn’t buy feminine hygiene products, YES.

I mean most of the show has upset people.

I live in MN, there’s a Target on every corner. Like 50% of people in the Minneapolis-St Paul area are employed by Target.It’s okay if you’re behind the times.

All I want is for Hot Pie to get laid this season.

Target’s been phasing Mossimo out since all their remodeling and adding new brands.

But saying its not work is trashing all the people who have actual paid jobs doing social media management. If you have a lot of followers you get tons of questions, messages, comments. Creating content that’s original and high quality IS a lot of work. Sure it seems “easy” but that’s because they’re curating it to

I definitely signed someone up for emails from the DCCC and had political mail sent to his place of work. He was a major asshole and a big GOP voter living under the guise of ~I’m InDePeNdEnT~

I don’t think so. AirBud didn’t make me think that dogs won basketball games.

You can see Scar’s lips move in the trailer.

I have the same middle name as several of my cousins. I don’t think its weird, especially if its a family name. Its not like we’re going by our middle names.

I CRIED. I HAVE CHILLS. I don’t go see movies but I AM SEEING THIS.

Hmmm when I was 19 I was def hoping I’d look older. Maybe not 35- probably more like 25, but also 25 year olds look way older now too.

Why were the popular girls in school popular?