More City fans in this comment section than there are in all of Manchester.
More City fans in this comment section than there are in all of Manchester.
PFA Team of the Year is voted on by the players. FYI.
I wasn’t expecting to be convinced of this tactic...and yet here we are. Death to bees!
What happens when I miss and fall on my ass though? Asking for a friend.
Simple. Aguero is a cunt and no one likes him. Also, you’re a cunt for calling him “Kun Aguero.” I hope this helps.
I mean, if history is our guide, you can pretty much count on Messi doing jack shit in the world cup and Argentina once again failing to impress.
Your taste in cars is, at times, questionable. But never dull, I’ll give you that much.
“...and then they put their Labo equipment on the shelf next to their wii-fit balance boards, never to be used again.”
Yeah, let’s just make the bees angrier, great idea.
I read Dirt Bag because it doesn’t take itself too seriously. There is a plethora of phenomenal, serious, thoughtful journalism on Jez, and I enjoy that content as well. But, for me, Dirt Bag hearkens back to the Gawker days, and I enjoy the escape and humor that it often provides.. If you don’t like the…
I’m not defending the behaviour, I’m defending the headline. There is a difference, you know.
Sadly, you might have a point.
It absolutely does NOT normalize it. I’m pretty sure that your average Jezebel reader is smart enough to understand snark and humor. Also, if we want to succeed in what we are trying to accomplish as feminists, we need to start focusing our energy and not picking stupid fights over this dumb shit like a snarky…
A girl can dream, I guess...sigh.
What? I could care less one way or another about Taylor Swift. If I “hate(ed)“ her, I would have absolutely no problem letting you know (if you haven’t noticed, I can be a bit noisy at times.) :)
The joke isn’t about any harm or violence toward her. It’s a harmless juxtaposition of words that reminds us how absurd celebrity can be. Grab as many pitchforks as you’d like, but you’re wasting good energy on a figment of your imagination.
But for real’re a troll, right?
Definitely a combination of Katy Perry and the Illuminati.
Good girls seldom make history. 😈
I absolutely do not condone, nor use, racial slurs. My point is that, in my opinion, people greatly misplace their ire, energy, and opportunities to move the conversation forward, when they choose stupid reasons to get upset. For example, getting angry at a lighthearted play on words in a column called “Dirt Bag.” If…