
I sort of feel that he is overpowered but its understood. The players who were on SAO are head and shoulders above the more causal players because they had to be just to survive. I mean. The only guy who went toe to toe with Kirito was a fellow SAO player. I also like to think that a lot of players were taken by

And they'll continue to not know... And knowing is half the battle.

Yes, they are trying to make the toy look appealing to kids and also adults who complain about the lack of color. They are also probably trying to make sure people pay at least twice for this toy when they come out with a movie-accurate deco several months from now.

I wish nintendo were as invested in competive play as smogon. That perish song shadow tag combination as well as dark void were identified as cheap and unfair ages ago. The only way you can counter that is to specifically prepare which hugely limits your options on team building. Back when mega kanga and mega gengar

It still makes me chuckle that the world almost got totally destroyed solely because the dude had a boner for a Floette.