You know, racism online is kind of just part the culture at this point. You get used to it.
You know, racism online is kind of just part the culture at this point. You get used to it.
In all fairness. When I play monster hunter I don’t care about typing. I use the stuff I think looks cool. If it’s not effective I go for it anyway
Your point only works one way. It’s like burden of responsibility as a decent human and as a parent seems to rest entirely on the man. She assaulted him multiple times as he attempted to deescalate and compromise. But she kept coming back and getting more irrational. He hits her back and suddenly he’s the villain? We…
I remember when gears 3 came out and epic pulled the same thing. “sawn offs and retro lancers were added so that bad players can win too” essentially.
Look, sex sells. They use it to sell damn near everything. You have a bunch of horny guys with disposable income willing to throw cash at her? Do your thing girl.
HOWEVER. Twitch much like Youtube is allowed to control the type of content they allow to be shared on their sites. Based on what ive seen she would…
I remember i hated her at first. But she developed so much i loved her. When she changed the heart shirt it was so subtle and sweet.
I cant remember whether it was the japanese version or the dubbed but the song about her dad leaving was so beautiful. I loved tamers.
I remember i was still in primary school when it came out. I went and watched it with my dad. Ill never forget the fact that it made me think about the kids i didnt like. How we should look at what we had in common over what our differences are. And i went back to school a nicer more tolerant kid. It sounds small but…
why not though? orion pax wasnt a leader and hot rod was a punk. The matrix made them into what they needed to be.
I sort of feel that he is overpowered but its understood. The players who were on SAO are head and shoulders above the more causal players because they had to be just to survive. I mean. The only guy who went toe to toe with Kirito was a fellow SAO player. I also like to think that a lot of players were taken by…
personally i think its great he has some level of awareness of whats going on. It saddens me that so many are doing these challenges and dont even know what ALS is. Were all so easily led by celebrities it makes me sick. With ALL the real shit going on so many people are rolling around with buckets of ice for "teh…
But they have clearly said multiple times that the way people have been playing the champions has caused them to make appropriate changes. They didnt make thresh for him to be a top laner. So they tweaked him. Is that nerfing him or adjusting him to better fit what they originally envisioned? As for the social aspect…
I had about 6 or 7 friends buy him on release because he was op in the PBE. He got buffed again and they were all ecstatic. Then he got nerfed and they all dropped him. And changes to a champion aren't always about them being op or weak. Take his most recent reworkings. Some would argue that he was fine how he was,…
they nerfed rengar INSTANTLY lol his ult was like instant
your list is just opinion
But i mean wasnt the whole story with bagon and shellgon that they had such strong desires to fly that they grew wings? Although i can see the legs it wouldnt bother me if he lost them in order to be a better faster flyer.
To be fair i hope its better than the second one too. Sequals tend to deteriorate in quality. They've all been great but onwards and upwards i say!
as black guy i am not happy about this. Id like there to be more black heros but this is not the same. The same way thor is changing genders, im not ok with it. There are plenty of strong prominent black and female heroes. Its just lazy to change them like this. I can accept minor changes for the sake of a movie but…
That level. In my whole life. Was the most unpleasant gaming experience i ever endured. I was about 8/9 and the level was so hard it made me cry over my gameboy lol. No game has ever crushed me quite like that.
dude. its pokemon. You have a world with a full understanding of time and a child who never ages. You have professor oak interacting with celebi and scizor and tyaranitar but proclaiming that there are only 150 Pokemon discovered on more than a few occasions. They literally pull a new region out their asses every…
Personally, i kinda feel that statues and mascots are primarily for kids. Most kids going wouldn't know a G1 autobot if slapped them in face. So they catered to them. That didnt affect the products on sale though because they know that older fans are gonna go anyway and that they're gonna spend cash regardless.